
Wasn't Mike the guy who yelled at Steve for having such a bad resume?

I'd say at minimum they'll continue doing the live tours and probably releasing recordings of some of them through Shout Factory. But I too expect we will see season 12.

Enzo's strong suit in NXT was his ability to create catch phrases off the top of his head on a weekly basis. Once he came up to the main roster and his speech became set in stone it was only a matter of time before the fans would get bored and lose interest (same thing happened with the New Day once they got popular.)

I think he even joked at the reunion that it's because he's looked like he was in his 50s since he was 25.

I hadn't considered this, though I'm sure Joel has. Maybe they could use gray bars (or have Kinga add curtains to the theater to try and class it up) if they find a movie they really want to do, otherwise they would have to crop it to make it fit widescreen.

Ah yes, Beilllllll.

It's a cliché, and a fairly common one at that. It's used in political articles all the time "Russia is an albatross around Trump's neck." etc.

Luke trained with Yoda for at least a week, probably more. Plus that afternoon listening to Obi Wan's lies really got the ball rolling.

Dunk and Egg and Robert's Rebellion both seem like the most ready made of all the possibilities.

Yes, the Switch really exposes how bad the game pad looks. Granted it was surprisingly comfortable to hold, it's appearance fed into all the unfair stereotypes that Nintendo is for "babies," the worst sin that can be committed in the eyes of a fourteen year old.

I can understand the thought process behind it, the Wii was a big success for them, why not build off of that brand? After all Microsoft and Sony just put out new XBoxes and Playstations with numbers after them, so why shouldn't that work with the Wii? Of course that failed to take into account the previous 25 years

I agree, I don't think they ever said the name of Shadow's cell mate out loud, but once the whole gods things becomes more clear people are going to figure it out. I expect a scene with him and Wednesday by the end of season one.

Yeah Ghostbusters 2 was terrible! Riding in the Statue of Liberty, what were they thinking?
Now Ghostbusters 2016, that movie was alright. Solid comedy.

Hulk Hogan is Roger Clemens. Dominate in the 80s, tried to be heel in the 90s to varying degrees of success (NWO and the Yankees), stuck around way too long, and now dogged by steroid and personal scandals.

Wait House of Horrors is non-title? I missed that announcement.

That wasn't even the Big Show's real biological father in the coffin, so it was fine.

Wrong kid died!

I've only found a star fragment out in the wild once, but I got a couple for completing quests along the way, so my hat of the hero is sufficiently buff enough to wear most of the time.


I have a feeling they want to put the belt back on The Miz and give him a run as a top heel champ while Brock is absent.