
How about Agent Carter? Mr. Jarvis and Peggy are a wonderful team to watch, so much so that they help coverup some of the show's weaknesses.

The opening minutes of the Lost pilot are incredible. They really set the tone early of the awesomeness that was Lost.

At least no one will accuse Nic Pizzolatto of plagiarism this year. I doubt anyone wants to be associated with this mess.

What about Ser Pounce, Tommen?

Once this show ends, I am really going to miss the previews. Always hilarious.

Walter white. Smart, worked hard to provide for his family and didn't believe in divorce.

Weird editing in this episode. It seemed like some scenes were cut at the very last minute.

Well, on the bright side, he now has more time to slow jam the news.

Is jake Lloyd not an option? He might be available.

Conan is slowly turning into present day letterman and seems to be just mailing it in. The remotes are still awesome though.

Are you ready for some Venn Diagrams?

Hi. I'm Chris Hanson. Why don't you take a seat.

He did bring up the issue but to expect a 60 minutes piece is absurd. If you watch a Yankee game do expect or hope that Michael Kay will also discuss the day's top issues? That's what the news programs are for.

I don't get why people expect NBC to do in depth political commentary. That's not why I tune in to watch. There's only so much you can fit into 3 hours. Same for the hockey. NBC can't replay the entire game.

Ohio by the black keys