Jaynes Cunning Hat

Actually, now that you mention it - making Raj gay could be a good thing.  The show has made so many jokes and insinuations about Raj that it would hardly be a stretch to go there.  Plus they could bring in a regular boyfriend for him, which would give the writers another character to work with and give Raj a reason

After Leonard told Penny to spell asthma, I was completely expecting her to spell out "A-S-S-H-O-L-E."  Leonard was being so obnoxious by the end of their "not-a-date," and the writers have had Penny point out the guys' jerkish behavior before (e.g., last year's Christmas episode).  Penny is one my favorite characters

I've been mostly enjoying this season so far - however, I can't say the same thing about this third iteration of Dr. Pretty Doctor, as I believe we're calling her.

True. Sky High skipped the origin story altogether and presented its established universe to the audience, which meant the focus was on the characters and their interaction. And I dug the John Hughes vibe the movie was going for - that could translate well to a series.

Was this the Godzilla flick that featured Underwater Oscar Wilde and the Martha Graham Dancers?

I'm a bad clown.