group therapy

Naveen Andrews' British accent was really pronounced this episode. I wonder if he took a hit to the coconut as well.

I agree about Sun and Jin, but am really troubled that the possibility was voiced by Keamy. There have been a couple of disturbing role-reversals -
Keamy being sympathetic is by far the weirdest.

It's a page out of the playbook wherein the Oceanic 6 call Locke "Jeremy Bentham" - they're trying to draw out the suspense, with goofy results.

No cancerAIDs, just guzzle Buckfast. Sounds like punishment enough.

He's Canadian, and he's hilarious. It doesn't matter if you don't care for his musical stylings, but his interviews are worth paying attention to. He's a nut, and I wouldn't be surprised if he did this site himself.


He's the man. Time and again he proves that he's a fine and kick-butt human.

Didn't Darlton mention in a podcast that they will address the Hurley bird? Maybe the creatures do have significance.

Maybe he'll blow bubbles with the pipe.

Al even roughed up Badger at the bar!


Jacob knew Widmore was coming, and it seemed that they both knew about the Black Rock sailing to the island. I think Jacob and Smokey know a lot of the same things, or have some kind of shared consciousness.

Oh god, it all comes down to firsties! Is Lost the cure for cancerAIDS?

As long as she doesn't romance Sawyer, she can go in peace.

He's not a what, he's a who.

Yeah, but Sawyer let the audience know that Smokey knew he wasn't there to recon Ajira. Smokey knew something was up. Was Ben his canary in coal mine?

The DI's funding never dries up. I'm convinced that the DeGroots are tied to the Dutch East India Trading Co. And I'd like to thank Dr. Linus for helping me pass that question on my AP test.

That's a great catch. There was a lot of information in this episode, but buried, like diamonds with jabronies.

Was the sub pilot wearing a red shirt?

Yes on Tina Fey! That was very distracting. I kept thinking she was going to start scolding Sawyer the way Liz Lemon scolds Tracey or Jenna.