group therapy

If the security folks made a commercial with a real menace, one who wouldn't be frightened by blue light and loud noise (no members of MUFON, for sure), it wouldn't sell the system. Can you imagine the commercial with the meth-addled freak who doesn't stop when the alarm system is triggered, who then incapacitates

Family Guy even expresses hate for its own regular characters. How is a viewer supposed to make a sympathetic connection with any of the characters? It's designed for a non-stop bilefest.

I loved Dinner and a Movie! With the heartless, predatory TV culture of today, it could be really viscious fun. I wonder if it could keep the goofiness of the original, too….

Amy Adams was a guest on Buffy, playing Tara's frightening redneck cousin. She was awesome.

There's an expression for remaining focused, and not getting distracted: keep your eye on the donut and not on the hole.

Is TLC completely oblivious to the irony of having this first episode after the split be about her pitching a tent? Let's think about the criticisms leveled at her, him being out of the house, then about the subtext. So creepy, complicit network.

RE Buffy and Parker - Buffy is an all-in kind of girl. I can easily see her fall for Parker the way she did after what happened the previous 3 seasons with Angel. After feeding herself to Angel, it makes sense for her to lead with her heart. Next time, she's a little more reserved. I think it's true to her

Quiddity that can be watched.

What is it with the AV Club and dogs this week? Leave the pets alone! They're just trying to get by, much like the rest of us.

Check out Donal Logue's drama chops in "The Patriot." He's a very good actor, and I have high hopes for this.

Craig, can't you just pull your Moltar handle and make those happen?

What, there's fake stuff on the internet?!

No, wait, that's the small one. I saw an extended one yesterday with the Comic-Con coverage. I'll try to find it.

That's exactly where I'm coming from. They have done an amazing job keeping the storytelling fresh and gripping while maintaining the fan base. It's a much different show than, say, The Wire. I am cuckoo bananas over Lost, and every little breadcrumb that Darlton drops. But, I think the quality of The Wire is a

Agreed, especially since Lost appeals to so many people. They do a great job of referencing the well-known and the obscure. Lost is absolutely a contender for one of the best shows ever, especially given its popularity and that it's genre TV. It's just that I feel they lose a point or two for originality.

I know I'm inviting trouble, but Lost draws on a lot of existing material. Granted, that material is woven together in a novel way. I gotta dock some points for the abundance of religious, literary, mythological, etc. references that don't seem to go anywhere. I see it as a bit of a crutch on the writers' part.

A VHS tape?! Holy crap, I'm going to have to dig up my old VCR.

I noticed the lookalikes, too. I'm feeling very teased, especially after the teaser for S6, and the look on Locke's face when they flashed to S1-S5 events. I thought the video cut out to a scene from Know1ng for a second. And Kate killed the wrong guy? How much of the past is going to be rewritten by that bomb?!