Interesting take, Mayor. Demystification would be a novel direction at this point.
Interesting take, Mayor. Demystification would be a novel direction at this point.
The radiation blast from the Incident makes him a genius.
Kate was awesome the first couple of seasons, but she turned all sucky. Her motivations aren't consistent, and she's constantly screwing with other people's happiness, just by virtue of her Kate-ness. Leave Jack, get on a sub. Take a baby, assume a cross.
Chico, that makes sense. The Others have been drafted by smokey, right? They have a temple for him, and are definitely not revering Jacob honestly.
Horace goes. Regretted by Ben during the Purge, building a cabin in Locke's dream - all smoke and mirrors.
I have a crazy and unsupportable Claire theory. She is the madonna figure to Christian and Jack as holy father/son. Except that makes her Jack's mother, and not his sister. See - crazy theory. You ask and the internet answers.
Kate has nice *clothes* off the island. All that eye makeup, though? She looks better without. Also better without her straightening iron.
They have a lot of women excel at the natural look. Kate off-island - blech.
JR, from your mouth to Darlton's ears. I love Sayid, and am not ready for him to go to that great island in the sky.
RE shocking death in the finale. I'm guessing they blew their big emotional shock on Daniel. The one in the finale will be someone we believe exists in the future - an Other or a Dharmite; it would fit nicely with spending so much time with them this season. Wonder what killing Widmore would do.
I don't know. I think Locke has intentions that are not considerate of others (or Others), but if he can help out Sun and Jin, he will. But everything has to mesh.
They have a real sub. Can't they just submerge that one?
Shredder, we've been told that it's something we won't see coming, and that definitely fits the bill.
Umm, so where's the boob talk? Is my browser just slow to refresh?
I'll go on the record as ejoying the Nikki and Paolo episode enormously. They were so awful, and we got to watch them die twice! Loved the meta humor, too - they were bad characters for the show to focus on, and their story showed how bad they were for the survivors of 815.
I'm with Mr Fhtagn. The island linked them with turning the wheel. Although Ben isn't reliable, he wants to look after the island. As a rule of thumb, I don't believe anything he says, but he was earnest about turning the wheel and saving the island. The island wanted the Losties as a part of that directive, the…
Ooh, good catch!
He's in retirement now. Fishing gear would totally be appropriate.
They spent their CGI budget on the smoke monster confrontation. Either that or on eyeliner. There just wasn't enough left for a good sub. Must be why it has to barf up Sawyer and Juliet next week.
It was really nice to see Sayid pop up and save the day. I was worried that Darlton was done with him, and he'd be a casualty of the finale.