
This is the sonic impregnation that the world didn't realize it needed.

Hans, bubby, I'm your white knight!

WTF is Treasure Island lol

Brutal news, Women were a force in the Calgary scene and it was nice to see them getting wider recognition before they took their break.

The What and the Where are scenery! Ask the big question: WHY?

14. Sugar. Sorry it's not in packages.

Its true, Wind Waker is fucking awesome. Anyone who disagrees with this point has never played it. Fact.

Today in Music Services Not Yet Available In Canada…

..hopefully someone not at all similar to the wanker from Death Cab.

LaBeouf: "Man, this town is a riot!"

Refuting other people's opinions IS IMPORTANT TO ME

Sadly, their next album was to be called "Chapter 11"

His cellmate's Austin Powers impression must have been REALLY annoying.

Lousy Smarch weather!

96 Hours.. Nope, not nearly as interesting. Why did the sequel have to be a re-tread of the original script?

This made my morning, day, and week. Even if they don't tour for it, this is awesome news!

I agree with @avclub-82f292a22966b857d968fb578ccbead9:disqus .The ending was so incongruous. It was such an abrupt left turn after the movie was seemingly resolved, it bugged me as well.

I am, well, ME!

The Planets Are Blasted is my personal favorite of the Boston Spaceships albums, but they're all strong. Too bad if this is indeed the last album they're making; this is my favorite Bob project since GBV hands down (although Lifeguards is pretty awesome too)