
Hello lamp post, what ya knowin'?
I've come to watch your power flowin'!

BenMont is around? I thought I heard keyboards..

I kind of liked Do The Collapse. Surely not GBV`s best work, but I enjoyed the bombast of it.

`The Sea was angry that day, my friends!`

^ Thank you for finally realizing what makes this show hilarious.

Emotional Haircut sounds like a King Missile song.

In defense of Bungie's storytelling chops…
… Myth: The Fallen Lords

As long as major labels continue to treat the internet as hostile, the Billboard charts will continue to be more & more irrelevant.

@ Writ - That is 100% awesome! Now I'm not even going to bother posting the barely-passable Good Will Hunting pun that I came up with.

I wonder if they'll be out on tour with the Smashing Pumpkins..

Day I Forgot was more uneven, but a solid album imo. Same goes for Nightcrawler. Yorn can write a good pop-rock song.

"Dear Homer: IOU one emergency donut. Signed, Homer"

Yeeeeeeeeeeahhh boyy!

With a Little Help from my Friends has always been my fave. Ringo FTW. Honorable mention to A Day in the Life, of course.

You said "pull"..

To each their own, Gorch. I'm not touting Radiohead or GBV as musically superior to the Zep, since I find those arguments are usually asinine, but I greatly enjoy their music. I think I would have gotten more out of Zeppelin back when I was younger. A lot of guys I knew from high school went through a phase where

I'm gonna have to say Led Zeppelin. If I had listened to them in Junior High / High School, I would have been completely immersed in their stuff. Instead, I got into Radiohead and Guided byVoices, so really no complaints.

^ Glad somebody mentioned that, Jasper. I heard they were collaborating again last year and it filled me with optimism, but I don't know if anything ever came of it / ever will.