
Completely agree with you. It is Russell.

Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) by Green Day in the Seinfeld finale clip show

I was scanning through the comments to see if the Ferrari blowing up was going to be said by somebody

Similar to Kiss From a Rose from Batman. A flop before the movie but once stuck onto the closing credits…..


I am thinking he was recreating what happened with Catherine

Funny moments but such a predictable episode

Billy the Kid died (conspiracy theories aside) about a decade before this show was supposed to have started.

Don't care. I doubt Buffy was the first anyway.

BD Wong chews scenes like James Spader

Are there any shows that have longer opening credits than Penny Dreadful?

For some reason, this show is starting to annoy me a little. Can we have at least one episode where they are not leaning on Pied Piper being under threat from an internal and/or external source?

I hope the Pyke story doesn't drag out too long waiting for the Ents to arrive

Nina was just a redshirt this season. Her character was pointless since she left the US.

A rating just for Q's dream. The whole rest of the episode could of been them reading nursery rhymes in pig Latin and it still will get an A.

He never positioned himself as a survivor. He always said he was fortunate to away from the office that day. To be a survivor, he would of had to said he escaped from one of the towers.

I have a hard time believing that Rafi would be hiding in the shower for that long without making lunch

The ignorance of your second sentence made me stop reading everything else.

There are Mayan ruins that are over 2000 yrs old. They kinda get some rain and humidity on the Yucatan penninsula

As a separate score, A+ for McCreary in this episode