Clancys Personal Researcher

Man, Booth should have lost his badge and kicked out of the FBI for shooting that ice cream truck. That's some fucked up shit.

Man, how do you put up with Francesa? I can't listen to more than 30 seconds of that deluded oaf.

They set this movie just one town away from my dumpy suburban neighborhood in Staten Island. The director and Oswalt absolutely nailed both the sense of place and the type of person who lives there. They do an incredible job.

Jesus fuck what why no.

The movie looks like shit, but I really want Michael B. Jordan's coat.

I didn't except this comment.

He masturbated to death.

I'm reading Bernard Cornwell's take on the Arthur myth, the three part Warlord Chronicles. I'm starting to see it as the definitive, "historical" retelling of the story. He weaves in a ridiculous knowledge of post-Roman Britain and actually makes the story somehow fresh, even if there is a glut of gritty retellings.

I've fallen down the rabbit hole of learning about different football codes. I watched the 2013 Grand Final on Youtube yesterday. Australian Rules Football is easily the most brutal sport I have ever seen.


He's been great ever since the motorcycle accident that made his penis bigger.

For anyone interested: check out the Nerdist's most recent hostful. Since the New Year episode (which was excellent) they've taken to more introspective, thoughtful, heavier hostfuls. It's yet another really good one.

I can't say I'm surprised to hear that the sequel (*shudder*) to Easy Rider is libertarian garbage. Talk about misreading the original… Hopefully it's failure in the free market will inspire the creator to give up on movie-making and become a lumberjack.

I don't think his office was in City Hall. They showed the exterior of a dumpy strip mall/office. strip before cutting to his office.

The two of them never should have been together. They do not have good chemistry at all. I know it makes sense since they're both leaving, but Chris and the reporter would have been a better couple.

I'm pretty sure they retconned the whole part time situation. She was a part time employee/part time city councilor. Which was a clear conflict of interest in the first place, but, whatever.

I totally agree. And it clearly seems to be moving in that direction. I still love the show, but it would be far better off ending this season than sticking around.

I hate the idea that Parks is likely to be renewed. It's good for everyone working on the show, but thematically and story-wise, you can see they're building toward a conclusion.

I don't know if he was offput by it. I think Auckerman thought he was just a bit bored and tired of the relatively thing premise, which I get. Loved that episode though.

I thought Marissa Wompler was actually his intern…