Clancys Personal Researcher

Someone who mentioned liking Prisoner of Azkhaban got a ton of downvotes. I know it shouldn't bother me at all, but it's so needlessly bitchy, especially toward someone expressing a valid opinion.

Have you seen them before?

He's the only good uncle (and is on my wife's side). My other uncles, aunts, father in law, father, mother in law, and mother, are all Tea Partiers. Sad time we're living in.

I went to Wildwood once as a kid. My entire family got horrible sores in our mouths for some reason. It may be the trashiest place on Earth.

All that stuff I said about downvotes not being right for AV Club should be disregarded for Sluggo and Jim Treacher.

I'm looking for a men's fall jacket under $150. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I like browns, tans, and greens, but I'm up for anything.

Looks like someone is just trolling through and downvoting everything. Every new post gets a downvote within seconds of going up.

He said we're free to do whatever other than the day of the party. That's all booked up. We also had a good opportunity to check London out 2 years ago for our honeymoon. We kind of want to live there…

Downvoting makes me sad, and it has no place on these boards. Fuck NuDisqus and fuck the redditization of comments everywhere.

"This is heavy."

I'm going to Paris over Thanksgiving for 4 days because my wife's uncle is rich and is having one of his three 50th birthday parties there. He's flying us out on his own dime, and we'll be staying in his friend's guest apartment (how rich does a person need to be to have a spare apartment in Paris?) I realize this

Wolf Eyes.

PFT has a fantastic laugh. Some people laugh at mildly funny things or to fill dead air. PFT laughs only when something is funny.

Robin as college-Lily made me feel things.

If this guy thinks the classics aren't traumatic as fuck, he's reading the wrong classics. That includes the Bible.

The Quicksand episode of Radiolab might have been the thinnest premise they have ever had for the show. I'm still trying to figure out the point, aside from some extremely surface level discussion of "Quicksand was popular in movies, isn't now, but might be in the future again when we go to Mars!"

"That tampon left a lot to be desired, and compared unfavorably with the maxi pad you threw at me last week. A bit underwhelming. Risible, even."

On the plus side, a kid's interested in getting a good book.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around a person using an air conditioner as a weapon. Even the window units are only slightly lighter than a medium sized star.

"Well bend over Abigail May, cuz here comes a gravy pipe" is one of my favorite lines in all of comedy.