Anyone in need of a unicorn chaser should check out the link. It's Slayer.
Anyone in need of a unicorn chaser should check out the link. It's Slayer.
Anyone in need of a unicorn chaser should check out the link. It's Slayer.
Stop yelling you guys.
Stop yelling you guys.
This song was originally written in Mandarin and titled "Coast Song West for Drive Crash Singing" before being run through Google Translate.
This song was originally written in Mandarin and titled "Coast Song West for Drive Crash Singing" before being run through Google Translate.
Hi Car Talk. Thanks for taking my call.
Hi Car Talk. Thanks for taking my call.
George is gettin' upset!
George is gettin' upset!
Part the wild horse's mane.
Part the wild horse's mane.
We Hate Movies was hilarious this week. Again. As always.
We Hate Movies was hilarious this week. Again. As always.
Heavyweights is a far superior movie if only for its humorous take on a bunch of candy-lovin' 12 year old jokesters before their inevitable, legless, diabetic futures.
Heavyweights is a far superior movie if only for its humorous take on a bunch of candy-lovin' 12 year old jokesters before their inevitable, legless, diabetic futures.
Ah. Well. Fuck.
One day, songs will be sung of that picture's douchiness.
The constant, almost second to second misdirections and mind-changing is starting to bother me a bit.
This movie looks good not.