
The comedy world now has a giant, gaping hole in the center. RIP

And once again, Ba Sing Se has become Na Sing Se.

Agreed. It borders on sociopathic, and I love it.

Once he recognizes that the Queen would eat his dragon in a heartbeat, he'll change his tune ;)

Naga and Pabu are in the clutches of the Earth Queen. If she eats them I'm joining the Red Lotus.

If Marvel gets a Squirrel Girl movie into theaters before DC can do the same with Wonder Woman, I'll laugh myself into an early grave.

Anyone else still miss the show under Joaquim Dos Santos' direction? As fantastic as the action on the show has been lately, no one knew how to frame action quite as well as he did. Good for him on moving up in the Korra ranks, though.

I'm convinced Wonder Woman gave Bats a booty call right after the episode ended.

It was bad enough that you can be betrayed and murdered at a wedding. But now you can't even go poop without risking death? Is nothing sacred?!

I feel as if watching this show gives me some measure of understanding of what it's like to be in an abusive relationship. Or maybe we're all just masochists.

Also, Lyla just rendered Sin homeless. Whoops.

Damn it, Oliver. If you don't date Felicity, I will. And I'm a gay man.

They can't kill two awesome blondes in a single season. They just…can't.

Even when Moira's getting stabbed to death she does it with such style and poise. RIP you wonderful mastermind.

You know The Arrow and The Canary are destined to be when they put each other's psycho exes in brutal strangleholds.

The League of Assassins has been established to be on a MUCH higher level than special forces. Despite the difference in years, Sara got training Diggle couldn't even begin to dream of.