
The Islanders made the playoffs tonight. I remember watching them win a game 7  in the umpteenth overtime on an Easter night game years ago. Pat LaFontaine spun at the blue line and fired a shot that clanged in. Bob Mason was in goal for the Capitals and sort of crumpled after it went in.

"Blackledge hasn't played for the Chiefs since 1988, but he's still the last Chiefs QB draft pick to win a game for the team."

The Raiders probably figured Marino's drug use was only recreational league quality and not up to their Jolly Roger standards.

Ah jeez, I am entertained, but I can only "like" that because I am not a Jets fan. Kyle Brady over Warren Sapp…

How in the world do you write this piece, discuss Idiocracy, and not even mention the way "Fuddruckers" becomes "Buttfuckers"? Is it suddenly beneath your standards, as illustrated by the lofty heights of a mention of "Deep Throat"?

Crazy insane

The Draconians were another race of noble warriors in the original series with relatively (i.e. for Doctor Who) nuanced characterization. I've always thought they should return as recurring characters to populate the DW universe and give it some depth and continuity.

And "Seeds of Doom" was Doctor Who's homage to The Thing. "Seeds of Death" was the Doctor Who episode featuring the Ice Warriors.

Sam's vision of them as an elderly couple gets me every time.

Love & Monsters is half great, half terrible. It has some moments of great joy and purity, and then some perverse humor that jucks make a gross mockery of human sexuality. I bet it would have been a good episode in the hands of Moffat or Philip Hinchcliffe, but RTD is such a messed up dude. Fear Her, on the other

The Black Hole was far superior to Prometheus. What a turdburger the latter was.

flashback to the SNL skit "comedy killers"

Nor did any corpses have a foot shot off by a shotgun. Gross.

Every time I think I won't be asked to watch the insufferable Rose and the pining/whining for the Doctor she introduced, I am once again force fed the news "SHE IS THE BEST COMPANION EVER BECAUSE SHE IS THE DOCTOR'S FAVORITE." God Rose and her storyline are awful.

Oh I love "Horseshoes and Hand Grenades." Finally got my reverse status now.

Good point—it does not say anything good about Ellen, but the blame must fall equally on the two of them. I suspect we the audience experience it differently not (only) because of a sexist double standard we may have for women, but (also) because she is the character we are (asked to be) more invested in.

Good point about Frank and Cyril—they are evidence that the show's world is not "heteronormative," as they are a perfectly normal part of it. In fact, they act as authoritative voices since they serve as commentators on much of the action for the audience.

The writing for Ellen's character is a weak point and a bit disappointing, but I still love the show overall.

Re: "It bothers me in the sense that I think it's offensive to suggest that a
clearly gay man is just waiting for the right girl to come along and
straighten him out."

Also, in that conversation with Darren Nichols about the blocking, the guy says it was his fantasy to play Juliet. That's not the same as directly saying "I am homosexual," but I don't think the show is trying to be coy, either.