AV Club Comment Commentator

I was that 13 year old.  It's all good bro.

I can only imagine the good-cop-bad-cop routine they must have done.

It would be great on so many levels.  First since Greendale is broke, it would fit into the series.  Second it could give the characters a chance to do meta-jokes about shilling corporate products and how NBC was doing it the most.  Third it would make NBC some money from all the people watching online.  DO YOU HEAR

I'd hit it.  I know, I know, I'll just have a seat over there.

He could also probably get 19 year old wood.

Next time he visits, he should go in full Batman suit.

Since I don't watch any of those shows, cheers to NBC.  Hell, if shilling Coke products will give me one more season of Community, I can't see why Greendale can't be made into an all Coke campus.  The dean can wear a coke track suit for all I care.

Yep, time to have an intervention for Amelie.  I'll go get some booze.

That girl doesn't even look human.  Don't they get disqualified if they use a robot?

I'm glad someone's paying attention here.

Do they?  Now I don't feel like such a hypocrite after all.

Well, I work for a non-profit.  Which one, um, the one that hates gays.

I suppose that comes from the American ideal of having a class less society. 

I think it's even time to start talking about impeachment.

"As people do better, they start voting like Republicans - unless they
have too much education and vote Democratic, which proves there can be
too much of a good thing." actual Karl Rove quote.

I'm this close to devolving into a gimmick poster where I say "Cookie_Monster for president" after everything you say.

That's cause you should be jacking off to Gillian Jacobs.

Could it be that Suckerpunch WAS a reboot of the Facts of Life and we all just missed the cues?

In my mind, this was read to the UN Assembly.