AV Club Comment Commentator

I had to scroll up to get this joke.  Totally worth it.

As an unscrupulous advertiser/TV station executive I'd like to steal your idea. 

Since this is clearly not a firstie Horseless Headman escapes your blue shell by hitting a mushroom just as it's about to explode.

That's a name you don't forget.

I'm looking forward to a grim, gritty reboot.  Spoiler: Instead of a girls school, it takes place in a brothel.

I'm assuming this is a quote from somewhere, but google doesn't return anything. 

It's time for an Arrested Development themed intervention.

Bonus points for quoting the theme song.

This is the funniest thing on the internet today.

A cause worthy of its own Facebook campaign. 

I'm a Hollywood producer and I want to buy your screen play!

I got mugged at knife point one New Years, does that count?  It was in Paris, so that was kind of neat.

A Festivus movie would be awesome.

Back in the day, in the print edition, the AV Club would set aside the worst movie of the week and utterly slam it in the review.  It was awesome.

I forget about the internet sometimes.

Damn straight.

Is an alcoholic who drinks top shelf brands in any worse shape than one who drinks malt liquor?

I feel superior to the plebes that won't get this obscure reference.

You're going to have to tell everyone that you're a registered sex offender in all your comments from now on.

Ok, what makes it wrong?