Al Swerengen

I agree, except the good writing part.

I agree, except the good writing part.



It's about time somebody started a proper cocksucker thread.

Walton Goggins is awesome!

I would say it is the worst finale in ages, but those cocksuckers over at AMC took that prize with The Killing.

John Goodman as the idiot man-child.

Don't forget that cocksucker, the Kiefer.


Practice what you preach
You asked us not to give any spoilers, then you say: [in the comic] "we never see any evidence that any organized authority has survived."

Tea AND Coffee
I enjoy this show, but (with the exception of the last two minutes of the season opener) it never really surprises me. As soon as that kid was napped, I knew the writers were going to lazily drag-out his recovery for the entire next season.

Nah, it's still mighty funny.

Kennedy, you're out of your element.

I could see Flynn fucking a whore, but not Walter Jr.

Entourage is still on?

Resume doesn't mean shit.

Thr gig
A live band in a titty bar has to be the best thing I've ever seen.