Ultra TJ Lazer

Best band in the world probably.

Show me where it hurts.

Listen to Noah's Ark
And try to keep dissing this band. Stupids.


This one was pretty good, but I feel like it was really unfocused for awhile. Some segments were great, but at times it was just talking heads (as the author mentioned) throwing out stats and saying things to make themselves feel important. Hate that type of documentary.

I remember livewire as the first post-code red Mountain Dew experiment. It was only for that summer. Must have drank that shit every day. And then I got really fat and haven't had one since. But no orange soda other than Fanta comes close to Livewire.

Certianly the best episode of the series so far.

I think you're overthinking it a bit when it comes to Rejects. Zombie was just having fun fucking with the audience, by putting them in a position where they are rooting for a man who basically becomes just as bad as the bad guys. When the clan themselves are the ones on the run, the audience is then torn between the

Shes super hot but she ruins rappers. look at what happened to andre and common. It's like she absorbs talent through her vagina.

She was great in this episode.

At this point my life is starting to become long stretches of lame-i-tude punctuated by Arcade Fire albums.

The Godzilla CD was one of the first CDs I ever owned. Jamiroquai is soooooooo underrated.