Hobbes against Hobbes

At this point the region is due for a Boston-esque decade of championships.  Let's start with Baltimore.  BTW, have you seen the Orioles Wikipedia page?  There is a whole section titled "Futility: 14 Years and Counting."

There's nothing like being an Orioles fan (or Redskins/Nationals/Wizards/Capitals fan prior to like, what, 5 years ago?) to really make you expect nothing but failure.  Unless you were alive to remember the 80's or earlier, in which case, do you have it better or worse than me?

I think from what I've read of the rules are more or less the same for each element, which makes sense since it'd be kind of weird for a pool of mud to suddenly come out of nowhere.  Overall the game and it's rules are extremely well thought out, which is impressive in itself.

And so the continuing conflict of what to watch Tuesday Nights continues…

Another interesting thing for these tournament games is that the fighting seems a lot less restrained.  In the earlier games everything looked a lot more like boxing or at least didn't have as much flair to it, but now everything looks a bit more like some of the big fights from ATLA.  I think of particular note is

Best part of Pema's story:  how Korra turned into a teenage girl in response.

That was brilliant.

Yea those are my thoughts too.  I just thought it'd be cool if the producers we're all "and he was there the whole time!"

100% this.  I remember reading in the book about TREES when the Fist is attacked.   Where are the trees!  I will admit that the scenery is gorgeous, but that camp they had doesn't look particularly great from a strategic point of view, being literally a cliff with a path.  Anyways, this is probably a minor complaint

I always got the impression that the Reeds were important to the overall storyline.  There's some indication that the previous generations of Reeds and Starks were close, and Howland Reed clearly has some skill with a sword.  I'm going to be massively disappointed if they get cut out entirely because that might

Seriously, that mask was the worst.  It was distracting more than anything else.  In my head I had alternatively pictured the mask as a red version of those scary japanese demon masks or just a piece of red wood.  Costuming is generally pretty good but that was just a total facepalm.

I alsothink this episode was actually pretty light on action, but the action that was involved was quick and decisive and left quite the impression.  But I think if you go back and look at all Avatar universe episodes you might be surprised with how little action there really is.  I think the action is usually on the

I loved the bit where she kicked up a chunk of earth sending a bunch of chi-blockers flying.  And props to the chi-blockers, those guys are impressive grunts.  I love their costume design and their gumby-like abilities to withstand abuse.

@avclub-1ff70043c78f44fc8841bd8203c00ed3:disqus I've seen his comments somewhere.  I want to say I laughed, but it might have been his name.

I haven't seen anyone comment on this yet, which may be because the show is consistently gorgeous, but I thought everything tonight was particularly pretty.  The costumes, as everyone has mentioned, are amazing and show so many different influences.

I really like this idea.  The theme of technology, industry, and progress is a constant undercurrent on the show and I think that bending is like anything else, it's a skill.  When you can achieve the same ends with a machine, for cheaper, than with the skill, there is less and less reason to use that skill.  I

They should start a blog together and then link to it here.  Think of the real estate saved.

Just imagine, a whole bloodline of vampires chosen only because of their great hair potential.

Yea, I definitely agree that choking falls under the category of "old people kink".  By that, I mean it is, or used to be at least, one of those things that may be associated with old people trying to spice up their lives (think any episode of Real Sex on HBO).  That being said, choking has clearly been around a while

And quick prediction for everything:  Evil Alaric goes around, kills Cole(sp?), kills Klaus (and poor Tyler with him, who will spring his "I'm not sired anymore!" on him in a manner so that Klaus is trapped and doomed), we get a tearful goodbye to Tyler, maybe Rebekah bites it and it all feels very tragic, and somehow