He mentioned the AV Club (or it might have just been "The Onion") in the DVD commentary.
He mentioned the AV Club (or it might have just been "The Onion") in the DVD commentary.
I screamed out in joy at the Firefly line. My family thought I was crazy and asked why. Couldn't explain my love for that show.
Loved Troy's stare, but I felt really bad for him. Everyone else learned a lesson but he just got messed with. Geordi would probably have that effect on me too.
Is there a show after Community?
Thats because Whoomp is the pinnacle of music.
I know a girl named Ro who ruined that charachter for me.
Indiana Jones, the fridge closed.
Holy crap about Stoop Kid. I remember that.
Anyone hear the story about Steve dating the playboy bunny. It's awesome.
Thats the first thing I thought of when I saw the movie. The story seemed a little less profound considering the concept was so similar.
If the Radio Free Albemuth does well then they'll make a Valis movie. We must make that movie do well.
It is the clip I show friends to introduce them to the show. Best thing ever.
It's more traditional than some of his other, better works but it is a good read. They actually made a video game about it.
Maybe it'll be like the PKD's screenplay where the movie starts warping in on itself.
No, because God loves metal.
I'd like to think Dune caused Miley's downfall. She confused salvia for the water of life.
Nora=/= Mother
Could Nora be both the roommate of the last girl and Robin's coworker?
Please, the way he dresses you know he was asking for it.
Once you mentioned the show her accent popped in my head. That show was filled with attractive charachters. That might explain why I'm single today.