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    I tried Person of Interest a couple of times and it didn't stick. But I might have picked bad eps to start with. My thing is character—I need to fall in love with characters and their dynamic. Did you love the Person of Interest characters? If so maybe I'll give that show a shot.

    I have officially lost confidence in Elementary. The only reason I've hung on for this long is that you, Genevieve, in your reviews have maintained hope that the show has been building toward something substantial this season. I appreciated that hope because I've really loved the bigger character growth, arcs and…

    Yes. I'm not sure when I started having the problem understanding. I had been thinking it was Johnny Lee Miller, but in this episode I noticed in the scenes with Hawes I was having an especially hard time understanding what was being said. I wonder if something has changed in the way the show is handling sound.

    Again: I love this column!
    Thanks, Cameron, for sharing your journey. And thanks for the encouragement.
    Best of luck and congratulations.

    This is a terrific interview: thoughtful, articulate and honest. Matthew, you've "grown up" with real grace. Thanks for sharing.

    I think we all knew pretty quickly that alt-Olivia was the one going back to Earth-1. What was great about the execution, is how, knowing what was going on (and at the same time not knowing what it meant both for the moment it's playing out and for the wacky future to come) made me unbelievably anxious.

    Oh, and Bobwyman, I think Nina introduced them in person.

    I wondered too if Sam could be someone "activating" the Jacksonville kids.

    Noel - I've comented on this before and you replied about asking the AV Club powers that be..

    Ugh. I take that back.

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