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    "Starship" was only used as the title for US editions. The original (preferred) title is, "Non-Stop."

    You know Paul Lukas is still keeping busy, doing Uni Watch?

    Sure, but it inspired a pretty funny MST3K routine.

    IMDB worst 100
    "Incidentally, some clever soul on the Internet is currently in the process of seeing and writing about all hundred films in the IMDB's hall of shame."

    The Empire of T'Ang Lang
    You do realize that this is about a very specific planet?

    "Smith takes just the germ of the idea and builds on it rather than trying to squeeze the whole of The Divine Comedy into a science fiction trapping that was never meant to hold it."

    Brad picks up Stacy after the abortion. And Rattner ends up back with Stacy.

    "Minutes to Memories" is a great song.

    Fast Times
    I believe that the TV scenes from Fast Times aren't on the DVD because Amy Heckerling very specifically didn't want them there. She thought they were cut properly, especially the abortion scene.