
I hate how people who dress like this are considered by many to be fashion designers.

I always look forward to reading negative reviews more. It's fun reading how many ways a critic can pan a movie.

In the Mood for Love is much, much better than 2046. Watch it ASAP!

I read one Dean Koontz book when I was 12 and I still thought it was lame. How do authors like him sell so many books and make so much money? Like Janet Evannowhatever.

so many people have told me that, especially being an architecture student, the Fountainhead should be required reading for me. my copy is still sitting on my shelf, waiting to be picked up and read. after reading these comments i think i'll wait a little longer to read it.

New Order should make a soundtrack for this movie, seeing as they had David Hasselhoff star in their Baywatch-esque "Regret" video and all…

That was like when the Pixies regrouped and played a sell-out reunion tour, followed by another reunion tour.

I saw them open for Of Montreal two years ago, when they still called themselves "The Management." It was right before they came out with Oracular Spectacular. They sounded like a rock band, and a mediocre one to boot. I didn't pay attention to the hype surrounding "Kids" and "Electric Feel" until much later and was

This firstie deserves to be stuck in the last row of the next show he/she attends.

Mmm. Sea salt and vinegar flavored chips.

I have only seen Do the Right Thing and He Got Game. He Got Game was a disappointment for me so I haven't bothered to watch other Spike Lee Joints.

"They sound so wrong but they taste so right."
- the only thing mom ever needs to say about testicles (?)