
Your friends in the UK are looking into whether there's precedent for preferring Entourage to The Wire being grounds for revocation of a knighthood. We stripped Mugabe of his knighthood for ethnic cleansing and mass murder, after all, and this seems in the ballpark.

You think the thing with the plant is a very obvious 'WALT DID IT' sign, but it isn't; it's the season cliffhanger. After all, the show is all finished now, right? Gus is dead, the super lab is destroyed and Walt, Jesse and the people they care about are safe. And even Mike managed to make it, somehow. So that's good.

"She used to wish that she was smart enough to be so as to get to
be interesting by…."

The writing staff of Breaking Bad is gender balanced and it's one of the best shows currently being made. It might be a coincidence, it might not.

"Zooey Deschanel’s Nerd Glasses And Quirky Sense Of Humor Render Her Undateable" - Yes, exactly; therein lies the problem. This show may be the worst thing ever made. Even if you could look past the basic problem with the premise ('So Zooey Deschanel is undateable because… she's quirky? Isn't that why she's famous? So

Wow… I'm almost in total agreement except the part about how 'If you think BB is a show about Walt become Scarface then you have it all wrong' - it /is/ about that. The behaviour he displays in this episode - the irrationally prideful, egocentric (in so far as being indifferent to pain caused to Jesse) and ultimately

Kinda like the Walt who refused to take money from wealthy friends and decided to cook methamphetamine instead? I'm not sure it's a foreshadowing as just being the character they've established from the first season onwards.

But 'I Actually Am Billy Corgan', that's not what Tasha said. She didn't claim that the episode was 'heavy handed' or 'too impressed with itself' (whatever that means) she claimed that it was irrelevant to the run of the show and that Walt was acting out of character. You aren't agreeing with someone if you happen to