"Indentured Sounditude" is awesome.
"Indentured Sounditude" is awesome.
I would totally love Franco and Rogen meet the Wolf-Man, as long as Danny McBride doesn't get to play the Wolf-Man.
"The story is, a guy loses a glove running to catch a train, realizes
he’s lost it only after it’s too late to go back, so he drops his other
glove out the window, so that maybe someone else can have both gloves.
Is this a story about basic decency? The idea that there’s something
good in taking a loss and turning it…
If I could have, I would have talked Johnny Cash into covering that song for the American Recordings.
Gus is a million times smarter than Pryzbylewski was (at least when he shot the kid).
Also, the Widow Hess said "you're hurting me" during the sex scene.
what about the coke and heroin addicted plus-size models?
Mexican is a type of nationality based on country of origin. White is a type of race based mostly on skin color. The two (nationality and race) are not linked. There are black French people and asian German people.
Would be curious to hear what Molly thought of the time Bruce appeared on stage with Phish, after all New Jersey. Would this be an accurate representation of your feelings if expressed as a math formula?
I stopped reading, but didn't Hyperion from Squadron Supreme join the Avengers when their world died?
The cameraman was crying.
That Love Without Fear is pretty great.
I assumed that because it involved crossing state lines it becomes a federal case.
I was surprised that they didn't think to incriminate the politician or to somehow remove his ability to help Decima by publicly shaming him through the media.
what evidence?
Here's how I heard the story went. He was riding through the parking lots on his Segway as he often did. Biker mom asked him to give the girl a ride. He said sure. a while later, biker dad was like 'where's my daughter?' and freaks out. Biker mom is like 'where is she?' Biker dad and his friends find the girl…
Bear also sat there as two gunmen snuck up on Root.
She really like carrots.
I cant believe this episode got a B. This is like the teacher giving the teacher's pet a B on an assignment that was turned in two days late and full of errors.
Arya is not riding a dragon. Not a chance. Jon, I could see.