Mighty Maus

Yes and Mick Jagger really thought he was the devil. 

Yes and Mick Jagger really thought he was the devil. 

It's completely a character.  The chorus is the city singing back to him. 

It's completely a character.  The chorus is the city singing back to him. 

I don't think One in a Million needs an apology.  While some of the lines in the song are bad, the song itself doesn't support those lines.  It's basically a call and response between one lone racist, anti-everything loner and the city he lives in, where the chorus is the city singing back to the loner.

I don't think One in a Million needs an apology.  While some of the lines in the song are bad, the song itself doesn't support those lines.  It's basically a call and response between one lone racist, anti-everything loner and the city he lives in, where the chorus is the city singing back to the loner.



That sounds like fanfic.

That sounds like fanfic.

Two of your examples are of Spiderman,

Two of your examples are of Spiderman,

Something about Saga doesn't work for me.  I think it's the robot characters with the television monitors for heads. 

Something about Saga doesn't work for me.  I think it's the robot characters with the television monitors for heads. 

Just to be clear, Captain America is NOT an actual person.

Just to be clear, Captain America is NOT an actual person.

but his logic fails.

but his logic fails.

How can you not enjoy the writing style of a man who says the following:

How can you not enjoy the writing style of a man who says the following: