Mighty Maus

It must be hard to be a teacher, where you may actually have to teach children empathy and shit.  What a total drag. 

It must be hard to be a teacher, where you may actually have to teach children empathy and shit.  What a total drag. 

He's a fucking writer.  If he can't express himself well, that's his fault. 

He's a fucking writer.  If he can't express himself well, that's his fault. 

The idea that this guy, a father of a 3 year old boy, would never watch the Avengers because it's not adult enough annoyed me more than anything.

The idea that this guy, a father of a 3 year old boy, would never watch the Avengers because it's not adult enough annoyed me more than anything.

says the guy who named himself after a character that shitty actor Sean Penn played in a movie 25 years ago.

says the guy who named himself after a character that shitty actor Sean Penn played in a movie 25 years ago.

calling someone a less manly Nick Offerman is like calling someone a less super Super Man. 

calling someone a less manly Nick Offerman is like calling someone a less super Super Man. 

For sitting on the back porch drinking a beer at night around the fire… Furr by Blitzen Trapper. 

For sitting on the back porch drinking a beer at night around the fire… Furr by Blitzen Trapper. 

Serious question.  Are you from Boston?  If so, you should track down Christian McNeill/Sea Monsters/Hybrasil or whatever his band is called these days.  He's probably playing in Cambridge tonight. 

Serious question.  Are you from Boston?  If so, you should track down Christian McNeill/Sea Monsters/Hybrasil or whatever his band is called these days.  He's probably playing in Cambridge tonight. 

the highlight of the episode was Alton Brown's strained reaction after the girl judge said she would be disappointed with anything less than 14 foodgasms.

Racially insensitive?
There is nothing.
Dragon with a chainsaw dong.

GNR Lies is a great EP.  Every track.

My friend and I ran into the original Peter Wolf in Boston once.  My friend recognized him as an old gray rock star and called out "Hey Alice!  Can I take a photo with you?"  Peter Wolf did not like being called Alice Cooper.  Go figure. 

I am curious about the werewolf playlist.  Is it just Werewolves of London ten times and then Furr?Also, check out the book Sharp Teeth by Toby Barlow for a neat werewolf book.  The whole thing is written in verse.

I am looking forward to this.  Furr was the best song of whatever year that song came out.  Just a great, lovely song about growing into adulthood.