Y'know, I think Modell is going to be like one of those 95-year-old smokers who bucks the odds and buries us all.
Y'know, I think Modell is going to be like one of those 95-year-old smokers who bucks the odds and buries us all.
This seems like a fool's errand for a show that's been on for 20 years, though the fact that at least 11 years' worth has been unwatchable definitely helps.
This seems like a fool's errand for a show that's been on for 20 years, though the fact that at least 11 years' worth has been unwatchable definitely helps.
If I weren't at work by myself I would print this out and run through it with someone. I guess I have my Thanksgiving activity!
If I weren't at work by myself I would print this out and run through it with someone. I guess I have my Thanksgiving activity!
Dole really was the houndstooth of political candidates.
Dole really was the houndstooth of political candidates.
The only time I saw First Blood (in a college class on movies about Vietnam), I was stunned by how oddly subversive it was. It's a movie about a homeless veteran beating the shit out of a redneck police force, and it places the audience's sympathies squarely in the police-beating camp. The subsequent Rambo movies…
The only time I saw First Blood (in a college class on movies about Vietnam), I was stunned by how oddly subversive it was. It's a movie about a homeless veteran beating the shit out of a redneck police force, and it places the audience's sympathies squarely in the police-beating camp. The subsequent Rambo movies…
Thanks to your profile picture, I'm picture William B Davis portentously saying "Real lard in the pie crust, Agent Mulder" and taking a long drag on his Morley. That was Season 8, right?
Thanks to your profile picture, I'm picture William B Davis portentously saying "Real lard in the pie crust, Agent Mulder" and taking a long drag on his Morley. That was Season 8, right?
She knows how to fill out… a job application… as a waitress… in a restaurant… that's a Hooters!!!
She knows how to fill out… a job application… as a waitress… in a restaurant… that's a Hooters!!!
Stop. Someone at MGM might read this post. Also, I'm glad that I can put "Jeff Dunham's hilarious terrorist voice" right above "my dad having an orgasm" on the list of Things I've Never Heard.
Stop. Someone at MGM might read this post. Also, I'm glad that I can put "Jeff Dunham's hilarious terrorist voice" right above "my dad having an orgasm" on the list of Things I've Never Heard.
If we're going that route, can we just make a movie about a group of deeply indebted guerilla fighters/inadequately trained medical techs who escape the chinese loan collectors just long enough to bomb the university of phoenix? We could probably get some ancillary distribution via PBS.
If we're going that route, can we just make a movie about a group of deeply indebted guerilla fighters/inadequately trained medical techs who escape the chinese loan collectors just long enough to bomb the university of phoenix? We could probably get some ancillary distribution via PBS.
This seems like as good a place as any to be a shit and say that I think the scene in the third Godfather movie where Andy Garcia instructs the one gangster to watch while he shoots the other gangster in the face is one of the most memorable in the trilogy. I know the movie itself is beneath contempt, but that scene…
This seems like as good a place as any to be a shit and say that I think the scene in the third Godfather movie where Andy Garcia instructs the one gangster to watch while he shoots the other gangster in the face is one of the most memorable in the trilogy. I know the movie itself is beneath contempt, but that scene…
Bold. I've tried, and I usually need an extended (ie, day-long) intermission when I reach the end of each dvd (so midway through each movie). Part of it is ass-discomfort, part of it is hobbit-exhaustion, and part of it is the desire to extend the viewing experience, since it really is the highlight of my week. And…