Mike From Chicago

Bold.  I've tried, and I usually need an extended (ie, day-long) intermission when I reach the end of each dvd (so midway through each movie).  Part of it is ass-discomfort, part of it is hobbit-exhaustion, and part of it is the desire to extend the viewing experience, since it really is the highlight of my week.  And

Do other people do that?  Cas I think E.Buzz can get away with it, seeing as it's a cute play on his own handle.  It seems like it would turn out poorly if others tried it.  It would certainly make my crushingly literal user name seem that much more crushingly literal.

Do other people do that?  Cas I think E.Buzz can get away with it, seeing as it's a cute play on his own handle.  It seems like it would turn out poorly if others tried it.  It would certainly make my crushingly literal user name seem that much more crushingly literal.

Don't worry, once the republican party is done imploding, the democrats can claim their rightful place as a centrist conservative party and make room for a liberal party. We just need a few more immigrants and a few more dead baby boomers.

Don't worry, once the republican party is done imploding, the democrats can claim their rightful place as a centrist conservative party and make room for a liberal party. We just need a few more immigrants and a few more dead baby boomers.

As far as I know the only movie released as a blu ray exclusive is the theatrical version of Grindhouse. Pretty much everything else is dual release. I am sometimes torn about the usefulness of blu ray. It does look better than DVD, especially for older, grainier movies, but the jump isn't nearly as pronounced as the

As far as I know the only movie released as a blu ray exclusive is the theatrical version of Grindhouse. Pretty much everything else is dual release. I am sometimes torn about the usefulness of blu ray. It does look better than DVD, especially for older, grainier movies, but the jump isn't nearly as pronounced as the

Colbert smiling through his anger? Christina Hebdricks as a flight attendant? Neil Patrick Harris as a sexually unmoored proto-yuppie? This sounds like three things I would watch all rolled into one.

Colbert smiling through his anger? Christina Hebdricks as a flight attendant? Neil Patrick Harris as a sexually unmoored proto-yuppie? This sounds like three things I would watch all rolled into one.

As far as I know, Melissa auf der Mar has been all right despite playing in bands with Billy Corgan and Courtney Love. She must be the most adaptable person who ever lived.

As far as I know, Melissa auf der Mar has been all right despite playing in bands with Billy Corgan and Courtney Love. She must be the most adaptable person who ever lived.

Is there really room for James Iha in a post-911, post-Obama world?

Is there really room for James Iha in a post-911, post-Obama world?

Next week: Billy Corgan makes us a mix tape of songs about Smashing Pumpkins… Well, really they're all Smashing Pumpkins songs. Fuck you for asking, now you're making me look like an asshole. That's not cool, you know? Actually I was going to write you guys a short album, but I'm just going to take that creative

Next week: Billy Corgan makes us a mix tape of songs about Smashing Pumpkins… Well, really they're all Smashing Pumpkins songs. Fuck you for asking, now you're making me look like an asshole. That's not cool, you know? Actually I was going to write you guys a short album, but I'm just going to take that creative

Some Rolling Stone album guide called that Dexy album 'Pet Sounds for the 80s.' So there's that.

Some Rolling Stone album guide called that Dexy album 'Pet Sounds for the 80s.' So there's that.

I hope he sings 'You Got the Touch.'

I hope he sings 'You Got the Touch.'

I'll say. Do all of the different slang terms for drunk in the UK have subtly different meanings? Like is being pissed a distinct experience from being knackered or twatted? Or are some of those not actually used, since my knowledge of British slang cobbled together from several decades of movies.