Mike From Chicago

He's been hunting deer and eating them raw for decades, preparing for the silver bullet sequel that he knows is going to happen.

He's been hunting deer and eating them raw for decades, preparing for the silver bullet sequel that he knows is going to happen.

"mile marker 57."

"mile marker 57."

Yeah, and that little old lady was somethin' else.

Yeah, and that little old lady was somethin' else.

Does it strike anyone else as ironic that claims which no doubt sounded completely hyperbolic in the 90s are pretty much spot-on?  Obviously, they don't mention the astonishing abundance of pornography, naval-gazing dumbasses, and illegal media, but we do live in a world where most social, commercial, and business

Does it strike anyone else as ironic that claims which no doubt sounded completely hyperbolic in the 90s are pretty much spot-on?  Obviously, they don't mention the astonishing abundance of pornography, naval-gazing dumbasses, and illegal media, but we do live in a world where most social, commercial, and business

Yeah, Albuquerque and Philadelphia have a lot in common.  What's that?  Sorry, I couldn't hear your counterargument over my Philly-transplant friend weeping over the lack of dateable men and the slow table-service in New Mexico.  She's contenting herself with microbrewed beer that some friendly hippy bought her so he

Yeah, Albuquerque and Philadelphia have a lot in common.  What's that?  Sorry, I couldn't hear your counterargument over my Philly-transplant friend weeping over the lack of dateable men and the slow table-service in New Mexico.  She's contenting herself with microbrewed beer that some friendly hippy bought her so he

The thing that stuns me about the tattoos here (Zia and otherwise) is that people seem to go out of their way to get the most painful tattoos they can.  A woman I work with has one tattoo, of a Zia symbol, over her ribcage.  And there are shitloads of people with foot or ankle tattoos.  If someone's going to get a

The thing that stuns me about the tattoos here (Zia and otherwise) is that people seem to go out of their way to get the most painful tattoos they can.  A woman I work with has one tattoo, of a Zia symbol, over her ribcage.  And there are shitloads of people with foot or ankle tattoos.  If someone's going to get a

It's barely even a joke-reference if you work with children in New Mexico and see what sugar has done to their teeth.  And what meth has done to their parents' teeth.

It's barely even a joke-reference if you work with children in New Mexico and see what sugar has done to their teeth.  And what meth has done to their parents' teeth.

Oh my goodness! The laughing cow with a small cake…

Oh my goodness! The laughing cow with a small cake…

As a conceptual joke, that entire sequence is one of the most amazing things ever put on television.  The juxtaposition of an old-fashioned factory atmosphere with nuclear power; the idea that they generated nuclear energy at the turn of the century by literally "smashing" atoms with hammers; the idea of a

As a conceptual joke, that entire sequence is one of the most amazing things ever put on television.  The juxtaposition of an old-fashioned factory atmosphere with nuclear power; the idea that they generated nuclear energy at the turn of the century by literally "smashing" atoms with hammers; the idea of a

1. I still get the twangy music from that "purple submersible" sequence stuck in my head regularly.

1. I still get the twangy music from that "purple submersible" sequence stuck in my head regularly.