Mike From Chicago

Thank god he got "superstar" eminem to guest on this shit and relegated no names like "kanye west" to producer status.

I'm convinced that mcgregor shines in those films (at least in ep 3, which is the only one I bothered to watch because it contains ALL of the relevant backstory) because he shared Alec guiness's reported contempt for the material. Once you say "fuck it, this is nonsense, let's just focus on vocal inflection instead of

Question: is secondlife still a thing, and if so is it populated exclusively by navi at this point, or are there still Jedi furries boning all over the place?

I would never suggest that Austen should be everyone's taste (though the novelists of that era and the gothics basically laid the blueprint for serialiazed television plotting). That said:


Holy shit, are they still calling back to a comic book guy line from the late nineties.

What a board. The notion that any portrayal of an ill child is naked pandering is an understandable one, since that is how sick kids are customarily used in cinema. The notion that a parent wouldn't want to see a movie about a sick child is also understandable. The notion that a life changing experience that affects a

Someone probably mentioned this already, but if you can get ahold of the files for one of these old games, there's a program called scummvm that will play lucasarts' work without any dos shenanigans. For Sierra I don't think it works.

I saw this movie a million times in high school then rewatched it about a month ago. There's something to be said for the low key period detail and the performance nuances, but the intersection between the low key, no stakes elements of the movie and its master plot - football player doesn't want to stop smoking weed

Those titles work even better if you read them rhythmically like lyrics.

"Gentlemen, what are we selling? It's not the orgasm. It's the moment before the orgasm. That moment in which we realize the endless possibilities of life, and our limits. Don't show the orgasm. Make the customer have it on their own."

So here we are seven seasons into how I met your mother, and everybody hates Chris is lost to the ages. Weird, right?

I think it was called sexual encounters of the insect kind, or something equally goofy. The narrator had a honey dripping voice and referred to the inside of a plant as a device worthy of the Marquis de Sade. I assume it's the same movie.

Those weeping Indians from the anti littering commercials are done weeping.

From your story I assume that 1) you're canadian, 2) the government of Canada is a farmer who makes money by operating glory holes for the taxpayers, and 3) the Canadian government has something called "arts funding." Crazy. Down here the government is a Godzilla-like creature, the taxpayers are crazy ex-significant

Murder/suicide. Over the 2020 Olympics. Sad, Really.

And who hasn't imagined that.

This album has exactly one use, and that's playing in the background while I put on a wig and have silent, creepy intercourse.

I'm impressed you got a 4 and 5 year old to sit through ghostbusters. My nephew got bored and turned it off about 10 minutes in. Granted, he's a spaz, but it is a leisurely paced movie.

Ooh, if I saw a tape for a movie like that at my local video store I'd rent it in a second.