
Neither episode was great IMO, but the second episode was much better than the first. Until this season I've been a fan if Linda, but each episode that features her in season 7 is pretty irritating.

I was a bit irritated that the production tried to make it seem like they should be relevant. I get that some people love them, but a lot of people are indifferent at best. I prefer musical challenges that focus on past Queens or something more associated with the show.

Alexis wasn't on my radar before the Untucked episode, but now I want her to go next. That whining was rude and she complained WAY too long.

I also wanted an elimination. IMO both lip syncers deserved to go.

I've heard of that Meagan person twice. i don't know any of her music and after seeing that adult woman in public in pajamas I DON'T WANT TO. Todrick should have been the only guest.

I agree that Cynthia should have gone home.

It's such a shame :(

I really enjoy the conversations about issues that affect LBGTQ people this season. The Queens are discussing issues that matter, not just throwing shade in the workroom. I also love how close the Girls seem. Every time someone goes home the others seem like they're actually sad to see the person go. I've been mostly

The best thing about the show for me has always been the writers' willingness to tackle controversial issues. For that reason, tonight didn't disappoint. It was powerful to watch a White woman not only be complicit in slavery, but also sending people into slavery. History shows that they weren't just silent witnesses.

If that happens I'll start watching again.


This might be the episode I liked most this season. Watching Emma's journey after finding out about her mother's murder really resonated with me. A lesser show would have had her completely lash out at Dylan or go to the court room and scream at Norman. But this show is too good for that, she was hurt and angry, mad

GOOD!!! The original was nearly perfect and the American remake was basically a shot for shot remake that ignored the best parts of the original. There shouldn't be a tv show. Watch/read the original if you want to relive the story!

"Actual oil paints" haha! :)

I thought it would be 90s too. It's much easier to be creative with 90s looks than with nighties. The boring runaway didn't help the episode.

What was that? Last week Kimora couldn't see, this week Charlie can't lip sync? Are the casting people just taking anyone who applies? This is not ok, it's season 9! I'm over these shenanigans, if you aren't ready to do great makeup, put together a beautiful outfit, do a challenge and possibly lip sync, YOU DON'T NEED

I write "Olitz together", you turn that into me endorsing "So, would you really want to watch a show consisting of years of Fitz drunk and on a bad talk show, with Olivia avoiding commitment even in her own marriage?" cool. Take what I said, spin it and use your spin to attack my statement. I'm glad I'll never have a

Based on what we've seen on the show something is going on with the crops in the USSR. Yes the man Elizabeth is "handling" didn't do anything wrong. But that doesn't mean that no one working on orders from the American government anywhere in the world is trying to poison crops.

"I love that alternate reality Olivia Pope has natural hair. Of course she can’t afford those weekly perms."

This is only the second episode I've seen this season, I used to be HUGE Olitz fan and nothing was on last night so I watched. BIG MISTAKE! The fantasy was everything I previously dreamed of, Olitz together, the Gladiators trying to improve the world, Quinn not being a killing machine (because it never was believable