
I loved this episode so much, Noddles, Ben + Mindy, Colette's hair, the nurses getting their demands and no Danny, A+!

That and where is her dad. I liked the ghost dad twist, but I'm not sure he or the brother will be back in the present time of the show.

Good points, I have no idea who the target demi is and that seems like a huge problem for a show with low ratings. I'm sure next week there will be a new character from Ginny's past that we never see again.

Damn, I love her and I'll miss her on the show. But good for her.

So many emotions this week. Frank doing his thing and being all mysterious is so fun to watch. And the Anna, Eve, Nate triangle had me switching sides after commercial break. I hope Eve isn't gone for long and I hope Nate had sex with that lady to get information to help Anna. If Wes isn't the father of Laurel's baby

I like the show and Zach Morris is great, but it's missing something. It feels like every week we get introduced to another friend or family member of Ginny's and half the episode is flashbacks. But, the next week the character disappears and the cycle continues. That is not good tv. This show needs strong characters

I'm not gonna watch All Stars 3 whenever it comes out. This whole season was rigged and stopped being enjoyable as Rolaskatox took over. In my mind Adore won, because she was smart enough to get out of there on her own terms.


I agree with your point about Fi's mindset when it comes to the work outfits. But, Fiona is or was Liam's guardian, so it was her responsibility to protect Liam from the coke. I usually am not hard on her, but sometimes her behavior is very grating. I will feel bad for her again when she has to raise Franny, because

I hate pilots, so I'm not holding this episode against the show. Issa is amazing and I hope that it hits its stride soon. ABG was great and I'm sure still on YouTube if you have the time to check it out.

They did say that transphobia is bad and then brought in the transracial guy. Having these two "trans" groups depicted in the episode forces parallels. We all know about Rachel D, but I never heard about or saw the Twitter skit so I walked into the episode blind. For me it was not funny and felt very alienating. If

I gave up on Arrow in season 3, so guess it makes sense that I'm giving up on The Flash now too. It took at least 4 timelines, but they finally made me not care about anything or anyone. Messing with time was this show's biggest mistake, because each time they do it, the characters seem less connected to the people we

The episode was really confusing. They essentially conflated transracial people with transgender people, but transracial is not a real thing and transgender people exist. And a lot of transgender Women of Color are being murdered these days, so how is that funny? Why did they make this episode? I really don't get it,

But I thought the other lady that she spoke to was the assistant manager, I might be wrong though. But even if she did make the decision unilaterally, why not give her a warning or put her on probation at work? Fiona has been given a million second chances, the other employees deserve at least one. And lastly,

Wow, I didn't even see that, I thought that place employed a lot of criminals which was how she got the job in the place. But either she's an even bigger hypocrite than I thought.

I'm still out done by last night's episode. Quick summary:
Lip, is Frank 2.0.
Liam, is not being raised by anyone and is just there.
Carl, may have damaged his penis long term, but that doesn't seem like a big deal to anyone.
Frank, should have died seasons ago and now weighs down the show every time he's on screen.

You should be, I don't think I'll be watching much longer.

This show has never been "good" but I think this season has improved a lot of the flaws. I really enjoyed this episode. No Zach + no Justine Feraldo = an episode worth my time.

I loved ABG back when it originally aired. So far I like Insecure, but I don't love it yet. But I have faith in Issa, B+.

I've never watched an episode of Shameless and had to ask myself every few seconds "what am I watching" until tonight. This feels like a completely different show with the same characters. Wow, this is not a good direction at all.