
"It's CAHHHHNS! It's just CAHHHHNS!"

I couldn't get past the ludicrous premise of The Island. Not that they were cloning people for spare parts, but that it was somehow EASIER to clone full human beings complete with working brains than to just clone-to-order spare parts in a petri dish.

It's not "lack of plot" that causes American films to do well overseas, it's lack of dialogue.

I kinda hope…
…he starts bragging about banging the chick that replaced Megan Fox so I can see the headline "Jason Statham Beats Shia LeBouf to Death".

I kinda hope…
…he starts bragging about banging the chick that replaced Megan Fox so I can see the headline "Jason Statham Beats Shia LeBouf to Death".

Drunk drived? Really SarCCastro? Really?

As a Chuck Jones cartoon it's good. I mean…it's a Chuck Jones cartoon, so there you go. But it's not a good adaptation or film.

major? wager. what an odd typo.


You can read a lot of self loathing into a phrase like "filthing"…

"One of the main things I was MOST impressed with Monsters is that IT DOES NOT DO THAT!"

I loved it, myself. It's like the Jurassic Park of found footage movies. And it's actually FUN unlike Blair Witch or Cloverfield.

Err….I bad math. 10 (11) got destroyed.

Two episodes of Masterplan survived, so 8 got destroyed (9 if you count Mission to the Unknown =P)

If you're really hardcore…
You'll watch The Unearthly Child and then the original scrapped pilot, just to see all the minor differences.

They can also be found through torrents if you don't want to have to stream them. Although the ones I found were all in PAL and I had to convert them to NTSC.

The most /facepalm thing about this is that they gave Mel Gibson a 10 minute standing ovation for The Beaver the day before.

I don't particularly like Von Trier or his films, but this is fucking bullshit of the highest order of bullshittery.

Super Walmarts/Targets.