You should use that epithet more often. Because Mary is a horrible, horrible bitch.
You should use that epithet more often. Because Mary is a horrible, horrible bitch.
I remain convinced that this show would be better served by jumping forward to World War II. You'd have to kill off Violet, but it would open up so many new opportunities. Let George be a junior officer with the BEF in France in 1940.
That really sounded weird to me as well. Is "tummy" a word that grownups use in England? Like how "reckon" is used by people who aren't gap-toothed rednecks?
Pairing Mary and Branson is the worst idea in the history of bad ideas.
Didn't Lindisfarne have the monastery that the Vikings sacked?
I don't think we're meant to think that he's ignoring the mistress completely. After all, she thought it was no big deal to show up with the kid. Presumably he sees her on the weekend or whenever the wife is away.
Personally I'm still going with "Mary is a horribile, horrible bitch" as the reason for her constant gratuitous cruelty to Edith.
I grieve with thee.
Wait, the Jump Street and Lego Movie dudes are running this? I'm there.
What? George C. Scott won Best Actor that year for "Patton".
The funny thing is, young Shelley Winters was sexy as hell.
I don't think it was. I think that was supposed to be a satire of an old debate segment called Point/Counterpoint that used to run on "60 Minutes" before it was replaced with Andy Rooney.
Pretty much all the non-goofy plot of Airplane! is a direct lift from Zero Hour. Those two little kids in Airplane! are reciting verbatim dramatic dialogue given to an adult couple in Zero Hour.
Did that opportunity really pass him by? He had another part in the movie. A bigger part, actually.
"Only the quiet romp between Encolpius, Asciltos and the slave girl (which has no equivalent in Petronius) is really enjoyable. In retrospect, it wasn't very gay."
Well, it's disappointing to read a bad review for a movie I like, but there are so many other good reviews that I can't be that bummed. I have plenty of good company in being fascinated by this film ; )
Look at it this way, eventually you'll die while some of your favorite shows are still running.
You guys have DVRs, right?
Barney Miller? Out-fucking-standing. I only wish I was further along than Season 3 in the DVD set.
If by "looking at the WWE the wrong way" we mean "not looking at the WWE at all"…