Dog Me


Man, that was boring.

You know, it would be pretty daring of the Royals to have their victory parade in the other team's city. I like this idea.

To the World Series victory parade?

BTW, there will be a Game 5 of the World Series on Sunday. Go Royals!

So, how depressing will the "Boardwalk Empire" finale be? Really depressing, right?

"After actually losing a game earlier this year, the #4-ranked Crimson Tide have been pummeling teams like a bunch of Hulks with migraines."

Yeah, I thought about that when I heard that story. I guess Anderson Cooper is smart enough to figure out that an LAX terminal at 11 p.m. is an OK place to pose for a picture, but right outside a goddamn terrorist attack is not a good place. Heard that dude got fired, and rightly so.

No, but my wife insisted I take her picture with Anderson Cooper when we found ourselves directly behind Anderson in a late-night security line at LAX. He couldn't have been nicer.

He struggled with endings. Teresa Wright managing to win a fight with Joseph Cotten, who probably outweighed her by 100 pounds. The quietest nun ever somehow scaring Kim Novak right out of a window. "Strangers on a Train" ending with a runaway—carousel.

That actually sounds like a pretty awesome way to end a career.

One of the more fascinating "what-ifs" in history is the "Kaleidoscope Frenzy" project that Hitchcock didn't get to make. The "Frenzy" that he did make is pretty great, but goddamn, this one sounds amazing.

Wait, this show is good? I was reading that it was terrible. AV Club gave the pilot a C. Dammit, John Cho and a hot redhead and I've missed it.

No one cares.

"It’s odd to think of Alfred Hitchcock still releasing movies in 1976"

Yeah, if Hitchcock could have gotten Janet Leigh naked, he would have.

This is a joke, but "last films by great directors" could be an interesting feature.

Yes, "Frenzy" is creepy and nasty and mean. I've never seen "Family Plot" but I've always heard it referred to as lesser Hitchcock. "Frenzy" would have been a great ending. That murder scene remains one of the most disturbing fucking things I've ever watched.

If they'd let teams host it, things might be different. But instead it's some insane spectacle. Remember all those stories about how horrific the commute to Giants Stadium was last February?

Good luck, to you and your team! Go Royals!