A Beginner's Guide To The WWE
A Beginner's Guide To The WWE
Lot more than one. Rosemary's Baby, Knife in the Water…
You're allowed to see a restored print of the original. You can buy the DVD whenever you want.
The movie was released as a talkie in the United States.
Paul was 18 in 1914, right? So that would make him 42 in 1938, probably a little long in the tooth to get re-activated. He would have gotten sucked up into the Volkssturm at the end, though.
Let's count our blessings, it's a remake of a classic film, not a goddamn comic book movie.
"Everything ends badly. Otherwise, it wouldn't end."
Well, that was a stage production filmed for TV…but ok, I'll give you that one. This play is still oddly under-served, given its suitability for movies.
The assertion that a lot of heavy hitters have tackled this play seems odd to me. Are there any adaptations of this play with the original dialogue outside of Welles and Polanski?
Yes, that is my story as well, more or less.
If you're serious, look up OSR ("Old School Rules/Renaissance") blogs and check it out. A lot of people used the 3rd to 4th transition as a chance to jump back to 1st Ed, B/X, even White Box versions, then reverse engineered them into retro-clones.
You can look online for blogs that calculated the prices over the years (when announced everyone's eyes popped also), and found that they've been pretty consistent with inflation. The PHB was $10 in 1978, IIRC.
It would be nice to have both the prestige reprints as well as pdfs, to be sure. Well, give it some time, they only put the pdfs back up a year or two ago (after taking them down for 4th Ed's life).
OSR Forever!
You could also mention that such things are available on Drivethru RPG / dndclassics as well.
Let's hope not.
"Those of us who actually make our livings (such as they are) from 1920s history beg to differ"
The first season dealt with both the local 1920 election, and Nucky at the Republican convention helping get Warren Harding nominated. He also helped get Harding's girlfriend hidden away.
"But we never saw that in the pilot. It immediately dived into Nucky-the-gleeful-bootlegger."
Yes you were.