Dog Me

On the other hand, Laura San Giacomo had really great breasts.

Pretty sure that was that was the original ending, or at least in the script.

So does Pottermore completely take the place of the Potterverse Encyclopedia we were expecting? I was thinking that was pretty late in coming.

Are you thinking of Kevin J Anderson, killer of the Dune franchise?

You know, the Beastmaster.

No, i enjoyed TSCC and haven't even seen Continuum yet. It's just the only show i remember offhand where they finally started having alternative futures battling it out in the present. At least i think that's where they were going.

I always thought she could have written a decent novel out of the senior year at Hogwarts while Harry, Ron and Hermoine are running around in the woods. Whatever Luna, Neville and Ginny were doing sounded much more interesting.

I read an essay somewhere that the fanbase, being nerdy SF types, particularly hate the idea of devolving technologically. And perhaps that was Moore's idea, to confront a technocentric audience with the possibility that tech is not, ultimately, the answer to all of life's questions.

"Let's just leave the disintegrating nuclear-powered superweapon spaceships directly in orbit above us. Seems like a good idea."

I also don't mind if authors don't work towards a precise "goal". I think of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time or JMS on Babylon 5, where they were always saying they new exactly where the story would end. Whether it pays off or not to the viewer/reader is another question.

I'm sorry to say i've never really thought about it enough to articulate; i guess it's the "cliche" portion that has bothered me—it was an almost immediate knee-jerk response to the episode when aired, and comes up again as if that sums up the whole series. Sadly i did not even make it to the end (just didn't have a

I was, or eventually became, a huge fan of both this and the rebooted Who. I was always in wonder that two shows would be rebooted in such completely different ways and yet both be so compellingly entertaining.

Not a spoiler: don't get too emotionally invested in the answers to any of the mysteries any show presents.

This is great! I'm totally looking forward to rewatching some of..

Wow, and we make it exactly… zero episodes in before someone trots out the cliche weak criticisms of the final moments of the final episode.

Yeah, they should do what i did, and google up an open account that you can use but not get emotionally attached to.

Which one was dating Seven of Nine, Braga? Well, as Monty Python said, "I may be an idiot, but i'm no fool."

When i heard the premise i was hoping it would be more like The Right Stuff crossed with Das Boot. Obviously that didn't happen.

Back when it was first optioned i imagined it as a Merchant Ivory sort of production. Now that just tells me how long ago that was.

"So Amanda’s description of feminism is as inoffensive as possible, and
not at odds with the show’s general level of equality being roughly the
same as ours. "