Soft Cell's "Tainted Love." Extra points if it's during a love scene.
Soft Cell's "Tainted Love." Extra points if it's during a love scene.
I think i found it off-putting at first but warmed to it faster. I guess i liked X's direct control, and every iteration since then has gotten more distanced and more meta. Who knows if we'll have any input at all in XV.
Agreed with most of that. I also really liked the Gambit system, and was disappointed with Paradigm in XIII, although i seem to have gotten used to it in XIII-2.
C+C Music Factory, coming right up.
There was a nice moment in the Room of Requirement when they're hiding the MacGuffin (6th movie?) when she kisses him and says something like, "you can leave that here too." That sold me on them enough.
I have never been so disappointed in cash-grab literary necromancy.
"Lots of ways to interpret that one, basically."
To be fair probably everyone at the Enquirer had a liquid lunch.
Funny i was just recommending Dune to someone as something Dark Horse could take over now that they're losing the Star Wars license.
Exactly. There were differences in who ended up with whom in the books and the movies (eg Neville/Luna was movies). The 'years later' afterword only covered the core 3+ the Malfoys, then afterwards Rowling has said in interviews what happened to others when put to the question (Luna marries a naturalist who wrote…
Penny Marshall as a lesbian? Where do they come up with these ideas! Man, Hollywood, i tell you… guess you gotta be a little out there to have that kinda creativity.
Does Vishnevetsky watch this with the time codes inserted, or a stopwatch in hand, or what? I've never seen a review so obsessed with timing each sequence in a trashy movie, as if he can quantify precisely how crappy it is mathematically.
Again, Wikipedia articles should not include excessive details. Reviews, comments; caveat emptor.
The prevalence of spoilers on Wikipedia really bugs me. Anytime i'm curious about a movie and look something up, i find that the contributors have felt the need to include extremely detailed descriptions of the ending and every twist.
There's a few really good moments in this one that match the early Koreeda's prodigy for atmosphere and tone, but they are pushed to the side. . . out of focus. And while I do think that Like Father manages somehow to rise above the inherent cheapness of the plot to touch something genuinely humanistic, I find myself…
Spontaneity is what made Ghostbusters magic, and the absence of spontaneity was the ultimate downfall of this piece.
If you've never seen the Seventh Doctor, don't even try calling the Ninth "cheap"-looking. I watched the DVD for Survival not too long ago and believe me, even for a BBC lower tier show from the 80's, it was remarkably threadbare.
"People who rush to get firsties look like assholes"
Wouldn't watching The Donna Reed Show have been the best part of writing for The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?
As an American, can you explain the need for a firstie in every thread?