Dog Me

"With three more episodes to go in the season, we may yet see Selina triumph over the Good Ol’ Douchbag Network."

I thought it looked laughably fake. Like something you'd see in a Star Trek TOS episode.

*Someone* shot Jon in the leg with an arrow in the books. We don't know if it was Ygritte.

"Minimal, subtle fan service"?

Rewatch the first 3 seasons. Around halfway through season 2 you'll start to be amazed at how much narration there is and how you never noticed it before. It seems like it in season 3 that he actually gets a lion's share of the lines in any given episode. It took me many rewatches but the narration became the only

For some reason before it aired, i saw an advance copy of the pilot script for this show.  The script referred to him as "Doc Zimmerman, as he will come to be known…" 

Exactly. Deliberately holding out against kneeling while being fully aware of the situation was a defining Sansa moment. It was a huge act of defiance and really one of the only acts she pulls regardless of size in the series so far. They need to stop watering down the characters.

I really wish the people in charge of the show would leave some room for subtlety. The politics of King's Landing, especially when Cersei is involved, are far more intriguing when no one is direct. First she does that power trip with Littlefinger and her guards last season. Now she's openly threatening the future

Clara enters the timestream so she can foil the Great Intelligence at every turn. In order to do this she would be placed in a huge range of settings and supposedly have enough of her wits about her to actually accomplish her task. But put her in the Doctor's mind or whatever at the end and she breaks down crying and

It's really a shame to see what's become of him. His early films were all masterpieces, with all the intensity of dogme 95, but replacing the anxiety of those films with that uniquely Japanese sense of melancholic beauty. Maborosi and the underrated Distance, in particular, are two of the best films of the past twenty

Of course there's nothing happening. The show is based on the books. Theon gets captured at the end of book 2 at which point he begins being
tortured. He does nothing but get tortured until the start of book 5. It's one of the pitfalls of working on a TV show. Theon became big in the show during season 2. Alfie Allen

At no point was there ever any sense of danger. There was a fair amount of broad comedy that wasn't all too good (fainting at aliens 3 or 4 times? really?). There was no cleverness in the solution to the problem. The problem was not unique in the slightest. There was no character development.

Can anyone explain to me why Mrs. Gillyflower used her daughter as an experiment instead of any of the apparent hundreds of volunteers? Seems to me like it would be a lot smarter to at least get a starting point for humans before going to her daughter for any slight genetic difference there might be.

Yeah, i saw it on the plane a week or two ago, and didn't mind the weaknesses as much as i had thought seeing it the first time. 

Well, i saw the movie already, and i and the mrs both thoroughly enjoyed it—i would say better than 2, easily.  This review exaggerates the most negative aspects and ignores all the good qualities, so i probably won't be following this new regime for much longer.

You loved the time zombies? Get a hold of this plebeian. The episode would have worked far better if they didn't throw in the monster element. A heady monsterless episode about the 5 of them being trapped in the TARDIS would have been far better and a return to some of the show's better days.

The show is growing. It's trying to have more of an ensemble cast instead of just having Selina and her satellites.

Yes it was an exciting episode. Look at the source material. D&D would have to fuck up hard for it to not be exciting. The point is that the ASOIAF books are exciting both as a plot-driven story and a character-driven story. The show has done nothing but rape the characters until they are shells or even partial

This is the first art film I ever saw, and it really opened my eyes to the possibilities of cinema. My whole life would be different now if I'd never seen it.

If you ignore the visuals of the scene, what Barney says is "you are so cool … but not for long." I took that as commentary related to what Ted said. She's not going to be "cool" in the way that Barney thinks she is for long.