
@avclub-9c75bab0f5d964591655e73e7c22c540:disqus Not to get all geeky, but since my brother and I say it to each other all the time:  "Army had half-a-day."

And Wallace… where's that guy?

Oh god, Eli Roth was going to film that?  We dodged a bullet.  I really liked Cell as well, but I'm also a sucker for all things zombie (yes, I know they aren't technically zombies).

I really like the movie and kinda like the book (starts off well, but parts are a massive slog).  And while I like most of King's short stories and loved his JFK book, this sounds… not great.

Tron Legacy in 3D with just the Daft Punk score and nothing else might be a contender for the greatest movie ever made.  It has AMAZING visuals and an AMAZING score.

Vin Diesel: I think we should shut down all access until we find that underground racing ring, just to be safe.
Master Control Program: There's a 68.71 percent chance you're right.
Vin Diesel: Cute.
Master Control Program: End of Line.

That is supposedly the rumor.  He hates that he lost control of the movie (the studio took over the edit).  When I first read the book and watched the movie, I read up on a lot of information (since the movie is an interesting failure).  It was supposed to come out on DVD several years ago and then disappeared for

Just watched part of the original.  On a scale of extremely to massively, how high was Tupac during that interview?

Maybe instead of filming teasers that contain no footage from the movie they could get to filming the movie.  As funny as they are, this is a worrisome sign to me.

I didn't particularly care for Outrageous Conduct.  While it covered ground I was interested in, it appeared incredibly biased from the outset and also ascribed motive, thought, and speech to people and situations the authors could have clearly never heard or been present for.  It has sentences like "Landis just

The hotel in question?  THE HOTEL IN QUESTION?  Timberline Lodge on Mount Hood in Oregon.

What about "Winter is coming"?

I'd say the odds of me reading your comment and the odds of me seeing the new Zach Braff movie are about equal.

Would you ask Billy Bob Thornton that question?

I would say that the Oblivion one was a stretch.  For one thing, it seemed more like a McGuffin than product placement.  The fact that the write up mentions that it has to be purchased at the building (or, I guess, on their website) shows a little how weak this entry is.  Coke?  Everywhere.  Shrek DVD?  Everywhere.

(into wristwatch) I've got one who can see!

*AHEM* "At Skyfall"

@avclub-dbf80cbab388a03b8671db8f5b9eccac:disqus  that could be true at the same time as this poem being awful and everything wrong with America.  They aren't mutually exclusive.

I used to be a reporter and another reporter and I had to listen to tons of investor calls (annual reports, quarterly reports, etc).  After hearing tons of nonsense jargon, we decided to start using "townhouse" as nonsense jargon. "Could you townhouse some of those numbers for us?"  We both used it on different calls

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus  I am actually a Semisonic completist, and you're about right.  Did you know that they reunited this past summer for a concert in their native state?  That's pretty cool.  I know they'd be a band that most around here would hate, but I find them unpretentious and the