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    Well, the intentional grounding rule was designed to punish quarterbacks who tried throwing the ball away to keep from getting hit. Like it or not, Cam flinging the ball into the ground before he could get sacked is exactly the sort of play that is supposed to be punished by intentional grounding.

    Well, yeah—how are people going to squeeze in a 1-hour church service and a 3-hour game in a 12-hour day? It's similar to the way no one can ever eat breakfast and lunch in one day, because both meals occur during the day, so there's constant overlap.

    I always liked the pledge at school and the anthem at games. Civic participation is absolutely essential to a healthy democracy, and at games especially, it's a good reminder that the massive amounts of leisure that are occurring is only possible because we have a functioning government that provides us with the

    Yeah, hand over the heart is for the pledge, not the anthem. Anthem, you just sort of stand there at attention, and they only play that on Mondays anyway. That's what I did in elementary school, and I'll be damned if anyone's going to teach me different.

    Football season actually does make me a lot better about going to my church's early service, so I can be drinking and watching football by 11AM, the way God intended.

    It makes sense that we are a little more collectively demonstrative on 9/11, if only because there's so many more people alive who remember that day. Do you think that Dec. 7 had become a footnote for Americans by 1956? I imagine it was still a pretty big deal at that point.

    Though Japan is not likely either.

    I saw them play at Red Rocks last year, and it was amazing—2+ hour set, great song after great song, a few super deep cuts, including one Uncle Tupelo song, two encores.

    Looking at that pic, I would say that at some point, the photographer said, "okay, the three of you that look the most like child molesters, I want you the closest to the camera."

    Also Wilco A.M. to pass the Steve Hyden test, because I don't know if you've listened to A.M. recently, but there is a secret about it, which I will share with you now:

    Yes, the cover art is hilarious.

    Can we maybe cool it with the whole "segregating albums by sound" thing? I mean, the album sounds pretty good so far, but remember how Summerteeth had both the title track and "Can't Stand It" on the same album? Or how Yankee Hotel Foxtrot had "Radio Cure" and "I'm the Man Who Loves You" on the same album? And how all

    "Her power was literally to fuck people and make them feel great."

    A talking cat?!?!

    Nice to hear they're working together again. The Social Network was pretty great.

    You can always tell when the person behind the counter fucked up and made yours too watery, because they clearly have no confidence and only tip it upside-down for like a second.

    Cookie dough and Mint Oreo are way too low.

    I'm still waiting for my "3 blu rays for $20" Amazon deal to get shipped to my house. I'll have it soon enough, though!

    The movies are mostly pretty good to great.

    "Acknowledging that a counselor can be as emotionally unstable as her charges doesn’t require allotting her a traumatic past that precisely matches what the kid she’s obsessed with is currently going through. Such hackneyed coincidence bulldozes the sense of verisimilitude Cretton and his actors had been working so