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    Yes, that is the only difference between Jerry Seinfeld and Jimmy Fallon as comedians. You understood it perfectly. Congratulations.

    I dunno, Political Correctness always struck me as a sort of band-aid we could put on society until the negative connotations associated with specificity had faded.

    Well, obviously they're not scrolling through their phones like Louis XIII.

    I've had a 2001 car with a CD player for a long time. I have a 24-CD booklet in the car, and every few months I burn 24 new CDs from my computer to put in the booklet.

    Mine included three classics:
    Guns N Roses- Appetite For Destruction
    Weezer- Weezer (Blue Album)
    Modest Mouse- Good News For People Who Love Bad News (not a classic at the time, but it ended up a good choice)

    Oh man. When your best selling point is "we're kind of like one-sixth of some other, better city," maybe it's time to burn the place to the ground and start over.

    Yes, it's definitely impossible for Christian British people to research Native American culture. They're so pale white that light just goes straight through their eyeballs, making it impossible to read any of the many, many published oral histories or other books on the subject.

    Wendigos or GTFO.

    EVERY book mentioning Dumbledore's brother implies that he's a goat-fucker. The fifth even implies that he's illiterate as well.

    Midnight's Children references are so offensive.

    " humor is subjective so you also can't get outraged by people laughing at something you don't."

    And when Dean Israelite came down from the studio head's office, he saw that many in his crew were already running cables for Canaanite's lighting setup. He smashed the iPhone containing the latest studio notes and ordered that the offending gaffers be put to death.

    You've got to fight this war to protect your mom's virtue, which is more than she was ever willing to do.

    The ONE TIME he doesn't get first post!

    Thanks to the above character descriptions, I just realized that the Powerpuff Girls had no Donatello equivalent. Women can be scientists too, dammit!

    I always mix her up with the director of many of the best Breaking Bad episodes.

    "I didn't have to be a Decepticon, you know. My mom wanted me to be a-"
    "A blender, yes, Starscream, we know."

    So it might seem kind of silly for me to be checking this, but Jai Courtney isn't the name of an actual actor, right? It's an inside joke we have in this comment section, like excessive love of Dawes and drawn-out dick jokes, right?

    Those movies make me angry because you could make a legitimately funny movie with that cast, provided you had better screenwriters and got the actors to give a damn. Even the uninspired, Day-Glo-colored direction would be fine if the script was good- it's not like it's ever stopped the Ferrell/McCay movies from being

    It's monkeys, monkeys, monkeys, all the way down.