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    It's really weird that John Hughes gets so much crap for using those stereotypes in The Breakfast Club when the whole point of the movie (summed up in the final voiceover! Like, they literally have a character tell you the movie's point!) is that the kids don't fit into those categories, and really have a lot of

    Dude, if it's coming out as froth, see a doctor.

    (3) Boarding schools in England are called "public schools!" They get you coming AND going!

    I think the main character's little brother (can't remember the names) was supposed to be a super-genius and possibly telepathic, and it's his gifts that start them out on the adventure (also, I think he kills IT).

    "The fight for the future, like Tomorrowland, is apparently by invitation only."

    Wait, Maniac McGee didn't seem special to you? He's an athletic prodigy who can see right through the hypocritical veneer of racism and has a Christ-like capacity for compassion and patience. He's turned into a damn folk hero by the end of the book!

    I just talked to the jerk store, and they're all out of him.

    In my researches, I have found that the most effective way to derail any debate about this scene is to wait for someone to complain that the showrunners are using Sansa's rape as nothing but a means to motivate a male character, and then write "But Theon got his junk cut off, so he's not really a man, right?"

    Geez, he should have filmed that press conference. He'd already have another Woody Allen movie in the can.

    "[Sea of Trees] features, among other things: a character who is implied to be a
    forest spirit or ghost, but then turns out to be the ghost of another character;
    a character who is revealed to have died, but not in the way the viewer
    is led to presume they had; a car crash that is incessantly
    foreshadowed for three

    They've still got time, but it's slowed way down. Either they have a financial genius who perfectly figured out the maximum amount of money they can get, and they will hit it on Day 30 at 11:59, or it's going to be one of the more impressive Kickstarter flameouts, and I'm only going to end up getting one issue of the

    Still not as sad as the McSweeney's kickstarter.

    I'm sure Marvel feels bad about not providing the most popular type of pirated DVD material for bootleggers.

    and cocaine. Don't forget the cocaine.

    I like how the Mortal Kombat artists still believe that humans are full of strawberry sherbert.

    …you know it's a Disney ride, right? This is basically Pirates 2.0. Enjoy seeing Clooney in seven sequels that only exist because of strong overseas box office.

    Looks like Bird hasn't lost his touch when it comes to constructing action sequences. Also, it looks like it was a good idea to hire an animation director for this movie, as it looks to be about 60% CGI. Fortunately, Bird is a genius at making that stuff seem tangible and handcrafted.

    Good job finding a photo that makes Iceman look more like Covered With Gallons of Ejaculate Man.

    It's worth mentioning that when they go to his house and talk to his parents, there's a shot of Pyro looking at a picture of Bobby and his family, all smiling together. Pyro's face falls as he looks at the picture, and you can see him start to envy and distance himself from his friend- maybe he's arguing with his