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    I think the idea is that the arm is supposed to absorb some of the impact when you land, taking pressure off the legs? But I don't know how that helps when 1) you're falling from several hundred feet, and 2) You already have an Iron Man suit whose primary job is presumably to absorb the impact of forces that would

    It is kind of insane that a guy who's been in the league 14 years might have the two best years of his career in his 13th and 14th seasons.

    The AFC West is kind of funny, because for the last couple years it's consisted of three of the best teams in the AFC, and also the league's retarded stepchild. Al Davis took the Raiders down with him like an Egyptian Pharaoh.

    Really, any Super Bowl the Broncos were in and didn't win is difficult to talk about (well, XXI isn't bad, but it's not good, either). Getting blown out in the Super Bowl is practically a Denver tradition at this point.

    In an extremely limited defense of this guy, Jim Carrey's going to be on the show this week, so if you have fairly serious brain damage and your racist relatives are the only ones willing to change your diapers, this could potentially be confusing.

    At least he corrected course by using the wrong version of "it's" in the next sentence.

    damn unions!

    A Dan Cortese? What's that?

    I thought it was an Eyes Wide Shut reference.

    I'm pretty sure the head writers of HIMYM say they would always show the finished product to a live studio audience, and record the laughs from that.

    I think the pre-credits joke was "Boyle believes that his co-workers do not get his Halloween costumes, but soon finds out that they delight in deliberately misinterpreting the costumes in order to drive him crazy."

    I thought it might be Santiago, but discounted that as they were all at the station packing candy. I guess part of the "twist" is that that plotline is not happening at the same time as the prank, but I still feel like it's a bit of a cheat to show the party bus and then cut back to Terry, Diaz, and Santiago filling

    And why not? It involved a smoke grenade!

    So in the 1st season, Amon complains that non-benders have no government representation and are essentially treated like second-class citizens… and in the next season, the government has been reformed specifically to address these complaints. That's evidence enough for me; I don't need every little thing spelled out.

    I'd love an Avatar-verse version of this:

    Well, there was the Beer Hall Putsch- granted, that was a failed attempt, largely because Germany's leaders did what the world leaders didn't here, but if Hitler had a bigger army at the time, it likely would have worked. Kuvira had that bigger army.

    Yeah, that reminded me of all the Sun-Tzu-style jockeying you always read about Chinese generals and leaders doing to each other in various histories. She wants the Earth King (and everyone else) to realize it's hopeless for him to hold onto his kingdom when he can't even hold onto his hotel room.

    We already realized that when we saw her little smile as everyone bowed to her and addressed her by a pretentious title.

    At 1:21-22 in this teaser, you can see Prince Wu in the background as Korra deflects metal projectiles on the train with Asami. He's hiding behind a chest.

    There's a conversation where one of the world leaders said that Kuvira had agreed to step down once she pacified the Earth Kingdom. Reading between the lines, it looks like she was appointed by Republic City to bring order to the Earth Kingdom after Suyin declined.