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    You're not Josh, Ollie.

    The episode where they all attend the wedding was where I thought it started coming together, though I think for most people it was the arc with Lizzy Caplan.

    Hmm… maybe it's…a show about nothing?

    Martin Short has been problematic in most of the recent sitcoms I've seen him in. He didn't bring anything to How I Met Your Mother, and now it seems like no one on Mulaney's staff is willing to tell him that it's occasionally okay to dial it down a bit.

    Did Peralta and Terry interview the stabbing victim's business partner in the same restaurant where Mark Zuckerberg and Sean Parker met in The Social Network?

    I wonder if Stan was talking about himself or his brother (who presumably had Mabel and Dipper's father).

    "Are those space pants? Because that butt is out of this world!"
    "Oh! Thank you for noticing!"

    Kaipal is also surprisingly potent.

    I am getting a major Shah vibe from Prince Wu.

    I was teaching English 101 to a bunch of jaded undergrads, and had assigned the story "St. Lucy's Home For Girls Raised By Wolves," by Karen Russell. I also had not gotten enough sleep the night previously.

    Anyone who can set up a sex appointment during a focus group session has it together more than he's letting on.

    "Honey, this machine just called me an asshole!"

    "I wanted this to be professional, efficient, adult, cooperative. Not a
    lot to ask. Alas, your Mr. Takagi did not see it that way… so he won't
    be joining us for the rest of his life."

    There are some great songs on MACHINA. Unfortunately, there is also "Heavy Metal Machine."

    No, it's a good song with a great guitar solo.

    As someone who also bought the Rotten Apples album from Target, I can confirm that "Perfect" is on the album along with "Ava Adore." (so is "Eye," but I don't think that's from Adore, though it sounds like Corgan was pursuing a similar sound).

    At this point, I'm wondering if Pogo just has a thing for prepubescent British female voices.

    Yuen Woo-Ping did direct Drunken Master and Iron Monkey, two minor masterpieces of the genre, so we're not talking about a complete novice here. Also, the dude has more great stunt credits than almost anyone- I doubt the sequel will have the weighty philosophical aspects of the original, but it's likely to expand on

    "Thank you for giving us this interview, Ms. Atwood."

    I think it's just fine, and would rather spend more time with my skateboarding friends than put in the extra five hours' work a week I would need to raise it, okay, THE IVY LEAGUES ARE YOUR DREAM, MOM, NOT MINE!