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    Fair enough, there have been some obscure poet laureates. But there's also been Billy Collins, a guy who I've always felt was popular because his ideas are simple enough that you can understand his basic concepts when he reads a poem aloud, but complex enough that you don't feel like you're listening to someone's

    "Poetry in America (and most of the world) is pretty much a dying form, both because the casual public doesn't read it, and because those who do write it are so up their own asses that it's no longer enjoyable or relatable to read."

    Yeah, that's true, I suppose. Though on my playthrough of the "Black Velvetopia" level last night, I came across something similar- a little garden that was off the beaten path, where all the luchadors you fight in the level gather to water plants after you beat them. There are some figments up there, and you can

    Ahh, wish I'd seen this was here before I posted my own long retrospective about Psychonauts below.

    Invader Zim? Huh, never thought of that one- I always thought it looked like a Tim Burton-influenced sensibility, but I can see what you're talking about now.

    I'm just getting through my first PC playthrough of Psychonauts (played the game on Xbox), and I just checked the achievements and realized there was an achievement for reading the bulletin board.

    "people and one direction fans"

    Why would Christians get upset about the idea that it's a fucked-up world? In the Christian understanding of history, we're talking about a world where God came to live among His creations, they fucking murdered Him, and that was the best possible way things could have gone. Isn't the whole ascetic tradition within

    Having never listened to an episode of U Talkin' U2 To Me?, and having read all these quotes from people on reviews and the newswire, I have concluded that the podcast must rely heavily on the type of humor where, if you hear something repeated enough times, your brain concludes that the only possible reason you could

    Yeah, and I'm sure The Beatles really ripped off The Monkees.

    I think it was probably that nothing sounded like "Pride" or "Sunday Bloody Sunday," which were their two biggest hits up to that point. As vital as those first three songs are, one of them has a 105-second instrumental intro that's just keyboards for the first 30 seconds, one's sort of a midtempo number that they

    From a marketing point of view, Dig Dug: The Movie would have been superior in every possible way.

    Adam Scott didn't realize that? But he's the guy in Party Down who says "I think the acceptable term is 'jegroes.'"

    Unfortunately Lecter's French accent will be impeccable, leading all the waiters to believe he is a Frenchman, and they'll treat him politely.

    The second episode is a 50-minute clip of Winston licking Hugh Dancy's face. Dancy keeps trying to play dead, but he keeps giggling.

    Well, Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns has the recurring bit with the bat in the cave that refuses to run, so "cornered animal" might have actually been closer to Nolan's vision for Batman

    You mean you never saw Rahman Bahrani's Goodbye, Solo? It takes some interesting turns.

    I bought them at least 3 times. I would have bought them again whenever my current one craps out. I would think it would be possible for Apple to scale back production without canceling the line entirely, especially since the materials used will only get cheaper over time- when it first came out, a 160GB hard drive

    I got the info from their interview on the Nerdist podcast. Both the creators claim that's what happened, so if you find it unlikely, maybe you have some insight as to why they would make up that story.