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    Munich, motherfucker!

    Easy enough to fix, then- just tell the author to replace all the descriptions of the main character's house with descriptions of a more working-class house, and boom! Instant blood transfusion for the novel!

    I saw Sin City 2 in a completely empty theatre, so I totally could have jacked it to naked Eva Green, but built-in social propriety won out. That, and the movie itself was kind of a boner-killer. How the hell did Robert Rodriguez create a sequel that was less over-the-top crazy than the original? After Machete 2, I

    Anybody else read that description of The Identical and really, really wish Charlie Kaufman had been given a chance to rewrite it?

    I loved the escalating descriptions of Dan Piraro's dress, but I think they peaked at "Dapper Waluigi." Should've saved that one for further down the line.

    Everything you do in the game levels one skill or another, so grinding is pretty painless. And most of the supplies-searching can be done while you're on another mission- just stop by a house or store, clear out the zombies, grab some supplies and bring them back.

    Sort of the reverse of that- I was forced to go see Babe: Pig in the City with my little sister even though I was 12 and waaaaayyyy too old and mature to see a stupid sequel to a talking-pig movie that, okay, maybe I'd liked the first one but I was only 9 or 10, I was a baby then, Mom, can't I see something that's

    I've always thought of Breaking the Waves and Dancer in the Dark as two of the most religious films I've ever seen. Neither are particularly dogmatic because Von Trier, but both try to capture the sense of sacrifice and selfless love that sit at the center of Christian doctrine.

    Yeah, I had pretty much the opposite experience from Sonia when watching Gangs of New York with my mom- we happened across it on some subscription channel that we were getting for free for 6 months, the period detail got my mom a little interested in it, the battle at the beginning (and Scorsese's name) got me

    You getting to the church is actually where the game starts- everything you've done up to that is just a tutorial. And granted, the graphics are workmanlike, and the controls are a bit wonky (if you have the PC, I found it helped to map most of the combat commands to my 5-button mouse). But it helps to think of the

    Would you stop mentioning the war!!!

    Yeah, "strict arthouse shit" seems to be the only way this makes a good movie. I guess the screenwriter could try pitching it as "2001: A Space Odyssey meets Lord of the Rings," but I have no idea whether or not studios would revolt at a totally silent movie. Maybe add "meets WALL-E" to the pitch as well.

    Not until this movie passes the $500 million mark, I'm guessing.

    More practical than it is for something that size to be attached to them.

    If they'd actually gotten good martial artists and fight choreographers for Mortal Kombat, it could have potentially been a great stealth remake of Enter the Dragon, which the screenplay really seemed to be imitating as far as characters and structure go.

    At the very least, Hov's got an impressive wingspan to be wrapping his arm around Mr. Ansari's shoulder while sitting down.

    Great game. If Tim Schafer doesn't think he can fund a sequel, he ought to see about making it into a movie or animated series or something, those characters are all just way too good. And the PC version looks great at high resolutions! I almost dread the cinematics now, because they're still crappy-looking SD videos.

    Ha, wait until you accidentally pick a fight with a giant. The first time I did that, just to see what would happen, I ragdolled hundreds of feet into the air. I don't know if it was a glitch or if that is the sort of velocity the game gives the giant's blows. Also, one time I was running from a dragon trying to drink

    I've been playing State of Decay for PC daily for the last two weeks. I was going to continue playing it over the weekend, but earlier today Marcus (who I'd leveled up to max skills in every single category) was going on a normal supplies run and got torn in half by a feral zombie- it was my own damn fault, I somehow

    I very recently went to see The Wolf of Wall Street with my mom.