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    I was hoping for that to happen the whole time, and then I looked at my watch and realized they must be stretching it out, and sure enough, they had the "fuck 'em 'till they're dead" guy just dance around and say "UH-oh, you're sure in trouble now! No way you're gettin' outta this one!" for the last seven minutes.

    Call me crazy, but I actually like that they've given Bran something to do.

    Martin is on record as a big fan of Faulkner, so I've been hoping that one of his books would try to pull a The Sound and the Fury. Maybe one quarter of the book from Hodor's perspective, one from Bran's as he slowly dies of hypothermia, one from Littlefinger's where you finally figure out what's been going on the

    That's not the problem - MacLaren is a legitimately awesome director responsible for some of the best episodes of television I've ever seen - it's the sentence. Can you imagine a Mad Men review including the words "Head writer Matthew Weiner enhances the episode with his excellent writing, while lead actor Jon Hamm

    "Episode director Michelle MacLaren enhances all of these ideas most wonderfully with her direction"

    The mechanics of how he came to know don't matter- Hannibal is in a situation that very closely mirrors that of his audience, particularly in his attitude toward Clarice, and these similarities tend to engender audience sympathy. Like the best surrogate characters, he's largely the type of person the viewer would like

    "The suit that we have looks cool, but when you see it in motion, it’s such a guy in a suit."

    Big twist at the end of Season 2: Hannibal's just a big Game of Thrones fan who's still dealing with his feelings about the Red Wedding. Will and Jack are just trying to get him to an intervention, where all of his friends will tell him he has a problem, and he will finally agree to start reading the books.

    Don't worry- I think she's really just there to see if she can borrow a few of his dogs.

    How do we know he doesn't have a Ph.D? I assumed it was a super-competent-killer thing going on, sort of like how Hannibal is apparently an intimidatingly talented psychiatrist.

    The creator of Wonder Woman was definitely into bondage, and conceived of her powers in those terms- she has a whip that can hold anyone completely motionless, and she loses her powers if her hands get tied behind her back, ferchrissakes. There's nothing subtle about it.

    "When it was happening, did you imagine that it was your hands that were tightening the noose around my neck?"

    Identity theft is not a joke, Daniel!

    Also, the stable of animals that Jeremy Davies's character worked at.

    Go to med school, kids! You get a 50% bonus to HP gained per level!

    Now I want to see a highlight reel of the last 5 episodes with "Yackity Sax" playing over the video.

    The most disturbing thing about this episode for me was how disjointed and unexpected the editing rhythms were. I imagine part of this was for budgetary reasons (especially the final fight between Will and Bear-Suit), but it was really effective at ratcheting up the creepiness. The best example is the scene where the

    I knew someone would beat me to it- though, as I said below, I would make sure to go on a Friday or Saturday with no reservation, so I would have to spend an hour or so downstairs waiting for my table.

    I'd go to Melville's Fine Seafood on a Friday night without a reservation, and upon hearing about the two-hour wait, I would ask, "Well, is there anywhere I can wait for a table?" At which point the maître d' would point me downstairs to Cheers, where I would pull up a stool and silently hope that they were

    The kids he kidnaps from the present day will initially complain when he takes away their iPhones, but will eventually learn to love the simple joys of living in a tree and killing Indians and pirates.