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    Not to mention the simultaneous overstatement and understatement- I vaguely recall Philip Marlowe referring to some hired goon as "not much bigger than a garbage truck."

    Having Michael Cera in a Nick & Nora movie might cause some people to spend the whole movie wondering when Kat Dennings is going to show up.

    AMAZON))<=> ((SONY

    I really need to get around to watching those Fantastic Four movies.

    Yes, what do the band that tried to be the next AC/DC and the band whose biggest hit borrowed Tom Petty's "American Girl" riff know about classic rock?

    The White Stripes were a combination of country, blues, and garage rock, and I think the main reason they incorporated garage rock is because it allowed them to fill out the sound with fewer instruments and the drum parts could be easy. There was a need for it, and the simple song structures generally reflected the

    My hat is off to Oscar Nunez for not breaking when Michael says "This is happening" in a creepy half-whisper as his grip slowly overpowers Ocsar's attempts to resist him.

    MR. A. KNIFE

    True, but one of the themes this season seems to be that there isn't just One True Love- Tracy finds her "true love" before she ever meets Ted, but gets a second chance with him; Barney/Robin, as much as they love each other at the wedding, decide to split up; and Ted ends the series by taking his own second chance at

    I don't even think you need hindsight- from day one the mother was the MacGuffin, the element that exists only to drive the rest of the plot forward and is otherwise unimportant to whatever story Ted's telling. The last season is the only one that makes her more than that.

    "That the show never seemed to suggest Ted mourned her feels like a vital betrayal of his character."

    I get where you're coming from, but I really want to see stylish 1930s wizards running bootlegging operations under the pretense of biological study in prewar New York.

    If she doesn't know who Cobie Smulders is, why were she and Billy Eichner so upset about HIMYM ending?

    That they do- I'm pretty sure that's the only spelling that's made it into the OED.

    Too much biting.

    I'm pretty sure it's originally just short for "come to orgasm" and that the alternate spelling was invented by 7th graders who didn't want any nuance to creep into their bathroom graffiti.

    I thought the Black Jeopardy sketch was actually going to do the Final Jeopardy within the sketch, and was surprised when it ended. I waited about 30 seconds and then realized oh yeah, that was the perfect place to end that sketch.

    Mixing gospel, R&B, soul, AND pop? What crazy things will people think of next?

    I dunno, isn't Dolarhyde supposed to be ridiculously muscular? Though as long as we're casting movie stars who regularly pick up checks bigger than this show's season budget, I've always wondered what Joaquin Phoenix would do with Dolarhyde- the scar on his lip looks like he used to have a cleft palate, so he'd fit at

    If I remember Silence of the Lambs correctly, Hannibal was already in prison for being a murderer and cannibal when he faked cardiac arrest, causing the staff to rush him to the medical unit. At that point he grabbed a nurse and ate half her face while still hooked up to the heart monitor (his heart rate never going